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How hard it is for foreign artists

polycounter lvl 11
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IvanKocic polycounter lvl 11
Hi all. I am folowing this forum for some time, since 2 year ago, when I lost a job and I tried to find it here, but with no success. At that time i was looking for freelance jobs, and maybe that was the problem.

My question now is, how hard is it for someone out of US?

I am from Serbia, and my portfolio is on http://www.ivankocic.com/

I would like to get some advice from you guys, about how to find a job. I am looking for relocation, but i know that US is just a dream for now. I probably have to be really good for someone to hire me, because of all the papers, and also, o2 is hard to get. I've been working in movie industry so far, but i can't do that anymore, it is not my region, i understand unreal engine much better, than v-ray or arnold. So, i am definitely looking for some job opportunity, contract based for 3 months, or full time, with working visa. Do you think it is possible for someone like me? I am aware that there is much to learn, but i am ready for that. And i know a lot of things about the game industry, normal maps, how to make low poly, how to properly unwrap it, how to use quixel ddo and ndo, setting materials and all maps in ue4 for a model...

Also, do you know if it's possible to find a job in Korea? I know that there is a lot of game companies, but i didn't find any job opportunities , because I didn't know where to look. Do you know where to look for jobs in Korea? How about Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, any advice about those regions? Also Europe will work for me as well. Any advice will be appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.


  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    Your website could do with a redesign, its like 5-6 clicks to get to your artwork, thats way too many, lead with your artwork let it do the talking you have quite a bit of good work let it take center stage.

    also when I click escape on your art to close the enlarge it brings me to a login page.

    I really think a website redesign and presentation improvement will help you.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    To be honest, I can't see you getting a job in another country with what you have. A website overhaul is definitely in order as Excessive mentioned. Also, your work is just too scattered. Focus on something specific...your professional stuff is all assets or props but your personal stuff is all character sculpts. None of it looks super high quality either. Pick either environments or characters. Then, build ur folio around that focus. Don't include stuff that isn't relevant. This is tough but remember that if you want a job in another country, your stuff has to be twice as good as the artists already in that country for the employer to even consider funding your relocation and visa fees. You will probably be better off starting with contract work even if it's not well paid. There is a light at the end of the tunnel as many artists have made the jump. Look at other guys who have done it and try to hit their level of quality cuz that is the bar that has already been set for foreign artists trying to break into the industry overseas. Good luck!
  • rino
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    rino polycounter lvl 11
    i'd say you have a year or two years worth of improvement to do before you can go out and start applying for companies. even then it's going to be hard because you really have to be good for anyone to consider you. not to mention some visas take up to 6 months (and that's short!) to get done when you are not in EU.

    i read your other thread and your posts where you asked about advice and strategies about getting into industry, truth is there are none. you just have to work on your portfolio and connect with other people and that's pretty much how you make it.

    in the end, it's very much possible but it's all about portfolio.


    slosh and excessivezero have some great points.
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    I'm a bit more optimistic for you, but you have to mercilessly cut the weaker pieces from your portfolio. Example: Never show anyone the texture for the candy cane from the Eureka special. You did some really nice stuff for that, but what I remember is the candy cane texture because it stood out as sloppy. You don't want anyone to have lesser work to focus on -- leave me thinking about the good things.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The kind of work shown in the Vertex e-books is a good indicator of what it takes to secure a US visa for a game artist :


    (From what I have heard I believe it doesn't have to be O2 by the way, it can be H1B too ... If I understand correctly H1Bs can run out for a given year, but they don't require the same kind of references than 02s do)

    And above all : good luck with it all, I think it is a great goal for you to aim for !
  • IvanKocic
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    IvanKocic polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you all. Portfolio is 2 years old, and i definitely should upgrade it, redesign and add new works. I didn't think about working in the US, i know that i have to be the best of the best. I was thinking about working in Europe, it is much easier here, and also, i know many who went outside the country as senior, or even junior artists, with half less experience than i have. Unfortunately, all of them went to work in the movie industry. I also had a few good offers, but i want a relocation to game industry, that's why i don't want to go that way. The longer you work in the film industry, the further you are from working in the game industry. Many job offers look for candidates that have shipped at least one game title, or have 3 year experience in the game industry, that's why i want to start building that. I just didn't realize that 90% of the people here are from US, and many job offers actually are from companies in US.

    You helped me a lot with your advices about portfolio, so, i will start from that. Thank you all.
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