RappaTools3 is an advanced toolset that comes with a great variety of tools for the artist working in 3ds Max. The main focus is to speed up the workflow and to reduce the click count. It offers a wide variety of tools, everything from selection tools to rendering tools. It can help you through the entire process of creating a 3D art piece.
It comes with 3 user interfaces (2 of which are customizable) a customizable HotBox and 370+ macroscripts that can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut, custom toolbar, quad menu or used in your custom tool / interface. All the RappaTools3 updates are free.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbNKNWFum6I"]RappaTools3.3 - YouTube[/ame]
What's new:
- Added Viewport Stats.
- Added to move2grid shift for Align 2 Grid also alt for object pivot center instead of world grid center [0,0,0].
- Added Inbetween Instances Tool.
- Added Offset Instances Tool.
- Added Smooth Loop to Relax.
- Added Unify Normals Tool.
- Added Load Material Library into Slate Material Editor.
- Added local mirror to Mirror X/Y/Z and improved the old mirror features.
- MiniInterface buttons are now generated based on the 3ds Max UI Colors.
- Move2Point now uses Transform Gizmo Constraint for axis.
- Added EPoly Constrains Menu to Sub Object button (rightclick).
- Added macroscripts for Increment Selection.
- Added Auto Weld to Quads Extend (SmartQuads).
- Added Snap to KeyFrames to Time Slider (Shift).
- Added to MakePlanarXYZ per edge Loop mode as default, ctrl for regular mode.
- Added support for Elements to RandomSelect.
- Added Spin on local axis and Zero X,Y,Z roation to RandomFly.
- Added to Similar select alternate instances select.
- Added more options for Object ID to Material ID window.
- Added to NonQuad ctrl for Triangles and shift for faces that have more than 4 sides.
- Improved Loop / Ring, AutoConnectBridge, Mirror X/Y/Z, WorkingPivot, CenterPivot and Edge RingConnect.
- Added support for EditPoly to SubObject, Loop, Ring, PlanarLoop, Relax and SmoothingGroups (AutoSmooth).
- Added support for EditPoly, EditableMesh and Splines to GetSetPointPos.
- Added support for EditPoly to Chamfer, Extrude, Inset, Cut and TargetWeld from HotBox.
- Added support for UnwrapUVW to Loop, Ring, Grow Selection, Shrink Selection, GrowLoop, GrowRing and ShrinkLoop.
- Added Set Object Height Ratio that will scale the length and width so it maintains the size ratio.
- Added Drag, Extend, Optimize, StepBuild, Topology and Strips to quickTopo.
- Fixed bugs, code cleanup (6k+ lines removed) and rewrites.
- ! Removed Noise Tool and Smooth Tool.

@iconoplast You can use a credit card via paypal without having an account
@WarrenM thanks, the video is more of a quick intro... i tried to add narration to a previous video and did not liked the way it sounded so i removed it