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TurboSmooth and UV Problem. Road block!

polycounter lvl 7
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mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
I've searched countless forums about this distortion problem happening when I UV a hard-surface first and subdivide later. My textures become messed up.

I can't unwrap a TurboSmoothed model because it's a hassle and my computer cannot handle the UV unwrapper. Isn't there an exact fix for this issue because all the forums I read did not solve my problems.


  • Norstu
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    Norstu polycounter lvl 8
    There are a couple things you can try. I assume that you are using 3ds Max.

    -Turbosmooth Pro plugin by Marius Silaghi, has a Linear UVs switch but also has a better smoothing algorithm (I think) = http://www.mariussilaghi.com/products/turbosmooth-pro

    -Select all edges of UV & split them in Unwrap Modifier = This will prevent them from being smoothed (essentially Linear UV's)

    -Use double support loops = Do this with texture applied to see how adding more loops affects distortion.

    -Keep seams away from topological poles & non-quad areas.

    -Use Headus UV Layout to unwrap model for SubD = This adds distortion to UVs to compensate for turbosmooth distortion. Or do this yourself in the Unwrap Modifier.

    -Use a 3D Application that supports Catmull-Clark Subdivision.

    -Pray :)

    -Kidnap someone from Autodesk & threaten to do mildly uncomfortable & annoying things to hostage until they fix the problem. - Just joking of course.
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