Render frames in your FX software of choice. 3ds Max is capable, but a dedicated fx renderer is better, like FumeFX. Then lay them out using Shoebox or XnView.
Ok, and what particles engines do you recommend ? I mean, not only for fire, or smoke. If I want to custom made, not from this world particles, with different colors, etc, what can I use for it?
Krakatoa is crashing on my computer because of some error bx034......, so I cant use it properly.
Photoshop. Most game fx textures are just painted sprites in Photoshop. Or photo manip. You only need Krakatoa and the like if you're doing fluid sims for sprite sheets, like your example.
You cna get a spritesheet like the one you posted straight out of Houdini using the mosaic node. Other than that, Eric explained it. All the sprite simulation takes place in engine. The sprite textures are made in photoshop. It doesn't matter if you are making realworld stuff from ref footage or it's hand drawn you'll always need to at least tweak the textures and alphas to work with the system you use it in.
If you are interested in learning realtime vfx I can send you some linke to good tutorials to get you started (not sure what the policy is on linking to other forums).
(not sure what the policy is on linking to other forums).
We are totally cool with linking to anything. We do take exception to linking or promoting pirated software/games, or to something that's really offensive, info here. Penistanks and kittens are generally welcome though. :smokin:
Yeah, I was going to point you to imbue as well. As far as I know it's the only forum dedicated to realtime vfx. There are a lot of studentes there but some of us who have been doing it for a while comment a bit as well.
Eat3d recently released a couple of DVDs that look pretty sweet even though they are for UDK. Same techniques. They may be a bit advanced though. I haven't seen them myself.
What do you mean whwn you say "I want sprites?" What effect are you trying to create?
Not really, I'm trying to create something unusal, even I dont know what this wiil be. But I want to learn how to create fire, smoke, water, little particles messing randomly around, and then I want to move something very chaotic. That what I want to achieve.
Guys quick question, not assigned in thread maybe: is this possbile to do on CE3 or UE4 ?:
Sure you can do that, but it would be tricky so I wouldn't recommend it for a first effect. It will probably be easier to get help once you know what you want to do.
So how I can render frames to save them ? Or what ? Only thing I see in FumeFX, is simulate, it doesnt saves it anywhere.
Krakatoa is crashing on my computer because of some error bx034......, so I cant use it properly.
If you are interested in learning realtime vfx I can send you some linke to good tutorials to get you started (not sure what the policy is on linking to other forums).
That anyone in future who wants to learn VFX can see it. Write it here, if Admins will not accept this, just delete then.
So yep, I want.
As for PS: Im not super OP at drawing, so drawing something different like 2-3 strange shapes is very hard to me
So basically guys, I dont really need Krakatoa, because it's for fluids, not exaclty what I want. I want sprites, not in way that Krakatoa makes it.
Highly recommend his stuff. There's also a couple of threads here and on tech-artists(theres a section there) about vfx.
We are totally cool with linking to anything. We do take exception to linking or promoting pirated software/games, or to something that's really offensive, info here. Penistanks and kittens are generally welcome though. :smokin:
haiddasalami (
Still waits fot the other links.
Thanks for the time ans support guys !
Eat3d recently released a couple of DVDs that look pretty sweet even though they are for UDK. Same techniques. They may be a bit advanced though. I haven't seen them myself.
What do you mean whwn you say "I want sprites?" What effect are you trying to create?
Guys quick question, not assigned in thread maybe: is this possbile to do on CE3 or UE4 ?:
Im really want to do this, not for game, just for fun.
@edit: I purchased the ImbueVFX for CE tutorial, downloading now, so I achieved what I want, in half. Next step is to make something chaotic