WW 2.0 was released last week and today there is another release with WW 2.05. The system is being updated for easier workflow and more intuitive settings, along with enhanced features.
Primarily, WW 2.0 is moving a lot of data storage to custom attributes in core objects. (When I started this project, I didn't know about CAs and by the time I learned about them, I was already neck-deep in all the tools.) But to make future development easier and the tools more robust, I had to go back and start the transition.
Today's update (WW 2.05) is the XRef Scene update. It adds XRef Scene support to the VMF exporter, asset collectors (RES and PAK tools), and to the Proxy Tools floater. This means it is now very easy to collaborate on projects.
Here is the
current changelog. And
here are some tips for XRef Scenes and WW.
And finally, here is the most recent video I posted last week on importing assets INTO MAX from Source with the QC importer on an animated player character.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rxTv0pFp5U"]Import Source Character Model into 3ds Max - YouTube[/ame]
Finally, there are also updates to
CorVex, the Level Design plugin I've been working on the last several months. If you use Wall Worm, please support the project, effort and time by buying CorVex. I've added some new UV and Material ID controls this last week.