I have some issues with the dynamesh in ZBrush.
No matter how much I work on something, having 500k points or 3.000k points dynamesh always bring it to 118k points and removes all details in the process.
Dynamesh resolution is set to the max 2048...

For a good model, a dynamesh of 50 or 100, is enough to keep most of the details so why does my model need so much resolution and doesn't even keep the details?
The solution to a higher dynamesh resolution will ultimately be to scale your model up considerably.
And created a human model inside "that" box.
His full body model without clothes was like 6.000k points and after a dynamesh resolution of 50, he got his model lowered in geometry (+/- 600k points) but his model kept most of the details. The very small ones changed a bit or disapeared but the model was roughly the same.
In my case, even the details you see while not zooming in are altered with dynamesh... and my resolution is 2048 not 50. If I use 50 of resolution, I get a block of nothing.
Like Bartalon said, you need you change your scale. Dynamesh depends entirely on it, and Zbrush isn't based around UDK's unit size (other tools can also be negatively affected by scale as well). You can use the Tool: Preview window to see if your model is too large or small (ideally it fits perfectly in the window).
Wiil try that thx
Hmm I don't see any reason why he's doing that..
Just use Decimation master as others have said. That in-between step is completely un-necessary and will remove detail from your model.
Dynamesh (at least how I use it) is more for when you are making huge changes to the topology in zbrush. For example, cutting deep panels into the mesh with slice curve, clip curve to trim edges, pulling out a arm/fingers on a character, etc.
Looking at your image above, why not just use the decimated mesh for baking to low poly? The only thing you may want to do after you decimate is weld the verts (in the geometry panel) and check mesh integrity.
Good luck.