My portfolio needs a full environment and as no diffuse-only style work. After struggling through a 10 and 1/2 week long battle with a gun and currently unwrapping a mechanical sci fi door, I figured it the perfect time to look at starting a full environment piece done diffuse only. This way I can get away from mechanical modeling, normal maps and feel less "intimidated" by the full environment. While I realize the texture painting demand will be high, at least the issues should be more artistic than technical. Being too "mechanical" focused is also an issue so I'm thinking something with grass, trees, wood structures, etc. I have a few question moving forward:
1) Am I right to assume that no baking is necessary, even AO?
2) Are there any keys points to consider about making sure this style is relevant or current? I'm looking at PS2 Final Fantasy stuff and wondering about the main differences between that and current diffuse-only art. Is it just the resolution of the texture? Those games had some really great environments but they were very pixelated and blurry in comparison to new Blizzard material.
3) How does one tell a story? I know this might be the most general question ever but I know I will fail if it's just another cave, corridor, building, or bridge etc. Maybe the right concept will do most of the work for me here?
I'm thinking of point
#9 here:
My primary ideas right now are Sandover village from Jak and Daxter, and either Besaid or Kilika from FFX/X-2. Again I don't want to make a PS2 quality environment, but a current environment based on one of those ideas.!Kilika_X-2_2.jpg
Thanks. All constructive comments welcome
2) I would definitely make sure you are using texture resolutions that don't pixelate. Be smart about how you use and reuse textures and tiling textures. Don't be afraid to do a few more complicated shaders or materials. Like Windwakers scrolling textures for water.
3) Get a good concept, have a story you want to tell. Pay a lot of attention when you are set dressing and making the environment feel lived in and part of a larger world.
Thanks for all that advice. This explanation of storytelling was especially helpful. After narrowing it down I'm thinking of going with the Inn at the Thunder Plains. A few reasons would include that it's lesser on modeling, I found the concept art for it, it has a controlled space with minimal guess work (tight concept) and most of all when I look at it I feel a story being told, as if a way of life, a personality or moment is being communicated.
How often are gradient maps used? I've only recently read talk about them ... I've never used one before.
thanks again