Hello everyone!
Would you like to play one drawing game?
It is called
PicFight and rules are simple:
1) Master of the game (usually it is me) publish one drawing subject and a deadline.
2) Each participant draw at least one artwork for the subject, hide it from other participants and secretly send his finished/unfinished works to the master of the game.
3) Then after the deadline the master publish all works.
Here I have a few examples from the previous fights I was running.
This one was about
"Postal stamps from distant worlds" 

Fight #7: "Game Concepts: Imagine yourself being a game-designer and produce as much game concepts as you can."
Maike Sommer:http://jfix.by/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/gesamtvorschau_end1.jpg
Mirror shows players level of madness:
The last one was "#8: Try yourself in someones else's style"
"like David T. Wenzel"

"like Abigail L. Dela Cruz"

"like Аруш Воцмуш"

"like Picasso"

The game is not really centralized somewhere or attached to a specific social network/forum. Mostly I run it by e-mail.
So I was wondering if anybody here want's to participate in the next fight?
Well, yep, sort of. Probably I sound confusing. The point is that normally I invite artists from around, as a result you can expect to see works of people who are not Polycoynt users. Email - is just an instrument to send your work to the master of the game when you are not registered in any online community.
I'll announce the next fight soon.
Are you in?
Ok, now I see your point. (:
I never thought about picfights from this angle. For me it's a bit ironic to hear this.
Well I'm an artist and I have a few artist friends, and we like to pump our skills and to have fun. We gather every month on average, announce a drawing theme, draw, then share results.
Currently our biggest meeting point online is here: http://vk.com/picfight You can find a few previous picfights in there but it's all is in Russian. However some participants don't like to be attached to any social network so they send their works to the master of the game directly, so he can publish them on their behalf.
Right now I'd like to announce the next theme and anybody here is welcome to join. Don't worry it is not some sort of hijack - all the results will be finally published in this topic under CreativeCommons license.
PicFight #9: "Show your monsters"
The task is to think out, to reveal your deep fears and to draw a monster. Otherwise you can draw any other monster fitting to a computer game or to a horror movie.
Preliminary deadline is the 19th of May.
Here are the instructions:
1) Draw as many monsters as you want/can and send them to polycount-pf @ jfixby.com (or you can send it to me using private message). Don't forget to attach your artwork and your profile link.
2) Try to do it by the end of the 19th of May. Or at least drop me an e-mail that you are drawing and you just need some more time.
3) Wait for the publishing day.
Deadlines are flexible: we prefer to wait a bit more but to get more fun in the end. So postponing deadlines is quite a regular practice in PicFights. Everything we do is for the sake of fun!
Also the master of the game has a personal obligation to send to each participants a rewarding postcard. (example: http://vk.com/picfight?w=wall-62111632_117)
Have fun!
So I spent whole last week deploying this: http://picfight.org
Currently we are in the beta mode. Please try it out, leave your comments, sign up, have fun.
It is like LudumDare, but we do artwork instead of games.
Have a nice day!
Plum Tree
Tamri Nizharadze
Solid Air
Little Sherbuls
J Fixby
Unusual Types of Transport
You are welcome to join.
1) Draw your transport and send it to pf10@picfight.org Dont forget to attach your artwork and your profile link.
2) Try to do it by the end of the 26th of May (Monday). Or at least drop me an e-mail that you are drawing and you just need some more time.
3) Wait for the publishing day and claim your reward.
Have fun!
Have a nice day!