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What do you think about my portfolio layout?

polycounter lvl 6
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Kimon polycounter lvl 6
Hey everyone! Just launched my portfolio at http://simonjonasson.wordpress.com/
(should also work pretty well on phones, pads etc!)

Content is really thin at the moment but will hopefully be MUCH better on that front after the summer when I'm about to graduate.

URL will be changed to www.simonjonasson.com in a couple of days! Just waiting for my slow domain provider..

All C&C is welcome, though, like I said, I'm well aware that it's way too thin content-wise right now :)



  • Ahoburg
    When you place object on a picture side by side like that i can't help but think there's 4 clickable pictures, not two. Especially on a grey background. Not too hard to navigate and it's pretty responsive, so there's that.
  • Loutrattitude
    Offline / Send Message
    Loutrattitude polycounter lvl 6
    If you are sending this portfolio for jobs, don't forget to add your r
  • Kimon
    Offline / Send Message
    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback!
    Will add a resume as soon as I got one :)

    Hm, yea, that's true. I added a 3px border to make it read better hopefully!
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    looks good, nice font
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    looks nice, and some good work so far. I think you should label things. You have wire frame but no triangle count, you have textures but no texture size or label Diffuse/Gloss etc.

    Maybe not necessary but you could label the homepage thumbnails.

    Last thing is there is a lot of negative space between your header name and the images. Consider reducing that to have more screen space to show your work without scrolling.
  • Kimon
    Offline / Send Message
    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks! Will work on those stuff as soon as I get home today.
  • Kimon
    Offline / Send Message
    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    Fixed that gap between the header and content, also added tri-count and map sizes etc!
    Pretty happy with how it looks right now :)

  • Stockwell
    On the content page for the computer, I would give a little bit of padding in-between each render like in the sci fy piece.

    What kind of job are you aiming for? Right now, looks like specifically props, but if you want to work on full environments, I would advice finishing the scene that your sci fy piece comes from.

    If you just want to do props, that is totally fine, but I would get to work on some more content. More isn't always better, definitely do not just "fill" your website with content, but if I were an employer I would want to see a few more pieces.

    Quality is there, so keep up the work!
  • Kimon
    Offline / Send Message
    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the kind words, Stockwell!

    Gotta admit it's pretty difficult to decide like "I want to focus on pretty much only props" but props is what I've done most of so I think I'll stick to that title if you guys don't think it's too niche?

    Ofc I will add more content, and most of all, GOOD content! Will work my ass of this summer to have an awesome portfolio this fall! :)
  • DWalker
    For some reason, the banners on your main page are scaled from 903x169 (a reasonable size) to 540x101, which is rather small. Each of your pages continue this squishing.

    I'd move the navigation tabs (portfolio & contact) from above your title banner to below it.
  • Kimon
    Offline / Send Message
    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    Hm, that sounds really strange! Not happening for me. I just checked in both Opera and Chrome and I can't seem to get that squishing. Which browser are you using?
  • DWalker
    I'm using standard Firefox, but the effect is similar in IE. It seems to be a problem with how the site? page? handles different screen sizes. There seem to be 5 discrete sizes for your images, depending on the screen width, and the 5th one starts just slightly wider than my browser's normal window size.

    The position, size, and placement of your other elements also becomes wonky as you play with the screen width - the menu buttons run into your title banner on my display, but if I continue to reduce the size then your thumbnails actually overlap the bottom of the title, and the menu entries are compacted into a single entry "menu" at the top of the title.
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