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General question for programmers

I'm currently in school for computer science. I'd like to start working with the MaxSDK. I've taken several classes in C++, java, and C. Now that I've taken those classes, I'd like to apply what I've learned.
I started using the max wizard template set up for V.S. Express. Once everything is set up it gives me all the .cpp, .h, and .dll.
Problem is, these files are so advanced and out of the scope of what school has taught so far.
I downloaded the autodesk podcast videos, but again, they seem like they are for advanced users.

Does anyone have any tips/advice on how to start learning this?
Are there more basic videos for learning how to use VS with maxSDK?

I'm quite discouraged now, but I'm going to keep at it in hopes that some sort of light goes on in my brain to help me understand what I'm seeing.

Thanks for any helpful tips or advice on this.



  • Elynole
    Just searching I found this:


    Which honestly, glancing over it, looks like a lot better documentation than most applications give.

    I've never opened up 3DSMax/MaxSDK - but assuming it's as large and complex as what you say it is - this is something that takes enterprise-level software developers many, many years to master. Jumping into a large-scale application and looking at it from a 10,000-ft. view is going to confuse anyone, experienced or not.


    Looking at the architectural breakdown of the application in it's documentation, I would probably personally start by learning the file I/O portions of code - as this would most likely be some of the simplest to learn - then maybe moving onto UI - these two areas of the core would probably give you a good basis for any plugins you decide to write.

    Don't look at it as a whole, learn portions of the SDK. It may even be that printing out portions of the code and going through it line-by-line with a highlighter could be the best option.
  • theStudent
    Thanks for your helpful response. I like your idea of printing out a portion and learning it piece by piece rather than as a whole. And I have the links bookmarked, so I'll be using those for sure.
    It's pretty intimidating when in school I've been learning principals and basic programs. Now seeing the real deal kind of made my jaw drop, heh.
  • Elynole
    theStudent wrote: »
    Thanks for your helpful response. I like your idea of printing out a portion and learning it piece by piece rather than as a whole. And I have the links bookmarked, so I'll be using those for sure.
    It's pretty intimidating when in school I've been learning principals and basic programs. Now seeing the real deal kind of made my jaw drop, heh.

    One thing that I've noticed from programmers coming straight out of college is that it seems like there isn't a great emphasis placed on design patterns, learning them, or those associated with enterprise-level development. Once you've understood the design pattern of the application, for those of such a great scale, you can draw a road map in your head of where things "should" be and hope that the programmers who coded the application actually stuck to some sort of logical design.

    If the two books linked below aren't already on your bookshelf, then I highly recommend adding them to your next books to buy. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software is THE staple design pattern book - and Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is another great resource to extend the reading of the first book - plus Martin Fowler writes some pretty heavy hitting stuff!

    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Design-Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented/dp/0201633612/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398954202&sr=8-1&keywords=design+patterns"]Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Patterns-Enterprise-Application-Architecture-Martin/dp/0321127420/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1398954202&sr=8-8&keywords=design+patterns"]Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture[/ame]
  • theStudent
    I just checked out the links you sent. Those books are not currently in my stash, but they will be. I’m taking whatever advice I can from the experienced in hopes of getting to a “functional” level at future jobs.
    I thank you again. This has been a very tough road so far, but every time I figure something new out, it sparks that drive again! It's what keeps me going :)
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