Hi there.
We are a indie team of developers based in Slovenia. We are developing a game called Isaac the Adventurer which is very near to be Greenlit on Steam. More info about the game can be found here:
We got quite a lot of feedback from our players and we want to upgrade the game to the next level. For that we need a character artist and an environment artist.
Send your
portfolio to:
We want to re-do the art style so if you have experience with hand painted textures it counts as a bonus.
Payments will be discussed via email.
We have quite a lot of new thing planned so lets get going
P.S. We have made the game private on Steam Greenlight. We don't want to get Greenlit before we can unveil our new game direction. I can send you a proof of the stats on Greenlight so you can see that we are not making things up.
Best regards