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My Portfolio is wow such chaos. much help needed. wow.

polycounter lvl 5
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lilJohn polycounter lvl 5
My portfolio is turning into a planetarium of exotic and strange models. There is way too much going on, and I have not received a single email from an employer regarding my portfolio. What I take from this: either I'm ugly, or my art is.


I've only been in the art game for 2 years, portfolio started about 7 months ago. I've made a ton of highpoly, some work still in progress, so I'm definitely not just sittin on buns with a bag of Magic BBQ chips. I just need some direction from the polypros.


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    you have a very wip array of stuff on here and some really good work


    ...i don't feel its laid out very well....and some of your models are hands down better than the others....you need to refine it down into your best models and get rid of the ones that are not up to par.

    id personally get rid of the photography section

    you have sections for models until you get to hard surface and freelance work....feels kinda lazy that you just slopped in a bunch of models...
    technically all your work is hard surface

    and you don't have a section of work done in school...so it feels weird to me

    also it takes time man...when i was starting out i plastered the internet looking for studios and applying....i didn't hear back some times until a year later or half a year later....and your just graduated....you have some time to grind and get better, if you really want a job doing 3d stuff id start off by doing sim...the bar is alot lower to get in and you can still work on 3d stuff out side of work....AND...you'll be around people that love 3d as well...who knows maybe some side projects could happen....
    and it would pay more than serving Coffee ;)

    I hope this helps :) keep on plugging away man
  • lilJohn
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    lilJohn polycounter lvl 5
    @cglewis Thanks man! taking notes already
  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    about the same from me, get rid of some of the weaker pieces and arrange "best to worst", right now for instance the first two projects are pretty weak compared to others further down.
    overall the site is readable and simple which is good.
    good luck breaking in to the industry :)
  • janeil24kid
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    janeil24kid polycounter lvl 6
    Well it takes time or sometimes its the timing for the company to see your work. I disagree about "best to worst" it should only be "the best work" why would a company want to see your worst work? lol. Just keep applying and you will eventually get a job :) goodluck.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    I think these are your weakest pages and should be removed. To give a little more explanation. With the good work you have, there is already a lot to look at. You have multiple shots and breakdowns of the models, which is great. However, there is also a lot to look at that isn't very good. As mentioned above, when I viewed the first two pages on your website, I almost didn't look at the rest. Employers have to sort through a lot of work. The moment they get bored of looking at your stuff, they'll probably move onto another portfolio.

    There are a few podcasts here about portfolios and interviews. If you have some free time while working throw them on in the background.

    Definitely the worst. If you want to show you can do graphic work, show it in a model (decals or something).

    Your weapon hard surface work is much better than this.

    Not up to par with your good work

    Looking very good; however, you should finish it up and then post it!!
  • theSixtyEight
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    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    as for art, Id remove all crap which basically no game-art employer/client is interested in.
    1. Pistol has quite tight edges, soften them up, bake it down into lowpoly and make textures
    2. freelance work - I personally dont seea reason to add random hipoly pieces like small bottles which you model in 10 minutes or jsut random gun parts, remove this section
    3.HS sketchbook, id remove everything except the last pic box thing (that one looks pretty cool), again there is no much of reason to keep your product visualisations on your game art portfolio
    4. M4 rifle - hipoly looks solid but render it so its more like 30-45 degrees from camera, not 60, especially when half of the render is empty. Textures are quite simple, mostly just clouds, spec doesnt show up almost at all, ur materials look superbland because of that
    5. metal container has too much going on..if you really want, add one styled sticker, dont make it "too cool"
    6. deringer is prolly best piece of yours, Id remove reference image, also try to make it look a bit less busy , maybe remove a bit of the cloudyness
    7. lighter is pretty nice but imo quite simple piece...if you wanna keep it, edit materials at least
    8. knife - nice model, if I were you, I d replace orange color material to wood, that might look nice, also blade needs a bit of material and spec work
    9. sniper rifle, so far best model, put it somewhere on top or so, it needs some wear tho, and definitelly a spec and gloss maps...currently it seems like it uses only diffuse
    10. zico bottle - definitelly remove

    As for webpage itself, id remove all texts(employer doesnt care if pistol name isZevtech g22 45auto or something else, employer only cares about art itself), make images vertically bigger.
    Keep only few pieces, less of quality models are better than lots of bad models.
    Keep 6-7 maybe

    Hope this helps even when its quite harsh critique
  • Samuraidragon13
    I would add what your specialty or focus is to the header. This way people know exactly what types of 3d art you primarily work on.
  • lilJohn
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    lilJohn polycounter lvl 5
    I love each and every one of you.
  • lilJohn
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    lilJohn polycounter lvl 5
    I think I have everything sorted for now.
    @theSixtyEight @beefaroni - Your feedback was a great help, although now I'm guilt tripped into revamping my old models. I moved things around a bit more so that it fit par with the models I thought had the most potential, I am currently in the process of fixing my shitty M4 texture.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    To be honest, imo youre not quite there yet - theres a strange look following your highpolys which can be backtraced to a big issue with edge consistency. It looks like your highpolys are a mix of lowpoly and highpoly and edges are pretty messy.

    The 2 latest models are complex and show competence, but you gotta work on that issue.
    Also the 2 latest show me that youre very close to what you would need to achieve, and for what I see, all you need to do is push out a couple new models.
    From the learning curve I can observe, the new things should be pretty state of the art.
    I say this often but your current self is your best self, and all assets from the past are exponentially worse, and the curve goes up in an extreme way.
    So Id recommend sitting down for 2 weeks, push out new nice things no-life style, and then cut all the old things that are not up to level (Also texturing! You have to realize you do not have a single asset thats current gen with quality textures and bake. Get the new ones PBR'd and you gotta work on the texture quality)

    Get a shared background and presentation template that looks nice and youre set to go

    Website looks fine
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
  • lilJohn
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    lilJohn polycounter lvl 5
    @Shrike Thank you for taking the time to critique and give me better direction! I hold a high regard for your critiques (I know how straightforward you can be haha) I will set aside time to make a plan on portfolio pieces. Thanks again guys! It's always re-assuring that even though I live in bunk town Arkansas usa, I can still get in touch with other artists. cheers
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