So, I've been using Zbrush for a few months now, and I thought I had my head wrapped around it.
but. as of today I've run into the most infuriating bug/own incompetence so far.
What's happening is that I can sculpt everything just fine, everything works and is dozey, I sculpted, twisted, broke and mashed parts of the model like there's no tommorow.
Now, it's time to begin polypainting, however. the brushes do nothing.
I can change the material, fill the object, change the color. Hell, I can even mask a part, and use fill object to change only the unmasked bits of color, so I know polypaint is working, sort of?
But It's not recording anything I do with the brush, even though I am very clearly on either MRGB, RGB, or M channels with a 100% RGB intensity.
I made sure there aren't any masks, layers or any such things on the model (though there were layers in the past, but I baked those)
now the real question comes in...
What do I do to be able to polypaint my model?
when I import or create other objects I can immediately start, but this one is just not wanting to work with me.
Thank you for any possible advice in advance.
So what I had to do to fix it... was create a new set of uv's, then create a new texture (Base material color in this case) and then do "Polypaint from texture" before deleting the uv's.... the most... bizarre thing. but it worked.
Didn't know about the Channels: R/G/B seperately. that's pretty neat.
here's the result for now;