Hi guys,
Recently I was honoured to be a guest speaker at Develop3D Live, where I did a talk on my work on projects such as my character work on Thor 2 & Skyfall etc.
While I was there I also did a 2hr live sculpt session in ZB which went down well. I created a model for the show, which I showed and explained both how I concepted this & prepared it for 3DPrinting.
The model was co-designed by my 5yr old daughter, who has lovingly named him ZEUS KILLER !
I am giving the STL away for free for people to Download - Play - Print - Pass around.
(Heres a Turn Table)
It can be downloaded for free for the Inner-Freak.com site.
If people could follow on Facebook & Twitter (links below) and post their results, would awesome to see the results.
Here`s our print of the model
Please spread the word, would love to see what people do with this model!