I was wondering if I am alone in thinking that single items submitted to the WorkShop is a thing of the past - more or less? When I look at the Accepted list, and scroll down the pages, it does look like sets are 'in', or single items from sets. Am I wrong thinking that, or are single items going to have a revival at some point? I know there have been special occasions, like the Chinese-themed, but apart from that, it looks bleak to me.
Personally I will have to look at making sets, which will be a rather big challenge since I will have to look into more complicated animation. Oh, well. Good to learn and looking forward to it

Basically, cybormatt says that there are some singles lingering around the dota 2 files under a new tag "new world". <edit "Perfect world"
So, singles are a maybe.
However, it does seem to be a trend, right?
To be honest, I would have loved to see third chest this last patch that costs cheap, like .99 cents, similar to the sticker capsule that drops in CS GO, but specifically designed to drop singles, maybe with a rare chance of getting a ward or something special. As well as allowing tournament organizers with prize pools ranging from 1 k to 15k the opportunity to include their ticket with a single item.
Is this currently the trend? It's hard to tell, we've only seen one major patch since this trend started. For all we know their plan is to include singles durning these major events, every four or five months. It's valve, all we can do is guess without them providing any clarification.
I have a day off work to pour into item making, and hashing it out on here with questions I've tumbled around with for a while.
If single items are dead for the moment, which they are, then even if it is something to be included in special event patches, it would be hard to justify putting too much work into them, if one hopes to get something accepted. I guess I will be at with the sets sooner rather than later, but for me, the whole animation aspect is going to be 'interesting'.
I said something like this too. If they keep doing set treasures why not have single treasures at a lower price. It will add different value to sets and singles, and just print them more money. Maybe the new world tag is a hint at a summer event coming. New world = custom map support maybe, and there will be an event to go alone with this... Guess we will wait for a blog post.....
those single items that are unused right now in the actual patch data with that tag might be bundled in a chest for an event hold by that chinese publisher perfect world in some time.
Yeah I read "new world" in this thread, then saw Perfect World on Cyborg Matts patch analysis. There go my dreams.....