It really depends on what this is for as to how you approach it. If it's just for rendering, you could approach it a few ways, the easiest probably being to animate an operand in a proBoolean.
sorry i forgot to mention its just for rendering.. thank you mark for the suggestion.. a question, i have tried using this proboolean, is it normal after i subtract my mesh it leave quite a lot of unwanted vert?
That all depends on the meshes. In the example I cooked up just now it never went much higher than ~300 polys.
Make sure you are using a PRO-Boolean and not just a boolean. ProBooleans recalcuate the triangulation and vert count on each frame, I think regular booleans just keep multiplying
Also you could add a volume of rocks that surround the potential hole and using volume select and delete mesh modifiers create an animation of rocks being crunched up.
Make sure you are using a PRO-Boolean and not just a boolean. ProBooleans recalcuate the triangulation and vert count on each frame, I think regular booleans just keep multiplying