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Llama's concepts.

I have a few interesting ideas, although i can't do 3D art, i can learn but it would take time. I have, a few times played around in zBrush and 3DS Max, but never could make something profesional.

My first idea is a Brewmaster set, replacing his Brew'ness with Honey.
I made a concept (Not really great)

He has this beekeeper style, gave a few styles of a hat, not sure for armour though.
I thought that since he uses honey and stuff, that it fits with his abilities. And he is a bear :D

And a concept for a Honey Leaked HUD, i have used the template, just to see how it would work and i think that it could be pretty cool if it is the normal HUD with just like a Honey glaze over it.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/60178579/HUD_template.psd +- 80 mgb


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