This is a final project for one of my classes this semester. I've got a week until the due date and I could use critique. Please let me know what you think. I would love to trash it and start over but that's not really an option so... does anyone have advice on how to improve it?
I agree with you about the lighting! I wanted an overcast look but I feel like the background just fades into a mess of noise. Do you think I need to add some lighting in the back to bring it out a little more?
It is very flat so I decided to try out a direct light source and go for a sunset instead. It solves the time of day problem, I think. Maybe this helps bring out a little more contrast?
Thank you guys again!
Try changing the grass to a sparser yellow to emphasize the neglected feel.
Paint for amusement park rides is very durable, and often lasts until the entire ride collapses into rust. Consider the following, which has been dormant since '86:
I think the red lighting takes away a lot from this creepy atmosphere which I liked a lot in the first one, personally I would do the lighting a bit more subtle, like in these screenshots from The Secret World (I think this kind of lighting would fit very well here):