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Carnival Environment

polycounter lvl 10
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Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
This is a final project for one of my classes this semester. I've got a week until the due date and I could use critique. Please let me know what you think. I would love to trash it and start over but that's not really an option so... does anyone have advice on how to improve it?




  • djoexe
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    djoexe polycounter lvl 7
    would be nice to have more screenshots. I would do some tweaks on lighting aswell because its pretty flat atm.
  • Anngelica
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    Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
    I've actually made everything to this camera angle because I'm only going for a single render, not a playable level. I'm not against moving the camera or objects but the viewer will never walk through it.

    I agree with you about the lighting! I wanted an overcast look but I feel like the background just fades into a mess of noise. Do you think I need to add some lighting in the back to bring it out a little more?
  • LensFlare
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    LensFlare polycounter lvl 7
    I would say it reads a little flat currently. Visually you need to brighten your brights and darken your darks. I would say that maybe if you did that you could thin out your fog so that you wouldn't lose too much detail in the distance, while still achieving the sort of effect you're looking for. From what I can see, everything is very well made, so be sure to showcase that. Also, it is hard to read the time of day, and I feel that is heavily due to the sky you have there. So far so good, keep it up!
  • Anngelica
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    Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
    First, thank you both for responding!

    It is very flat so I decided to try out a direct light source and go for a sunset instead. It solves the time of day problem, I think. Maybe this helps bring out a little more contrast?

    Thank you guys again!

  • DWalker
    I'd add more sag to the lines of flags, and possibly snap the line at some point. The wear on the flags just doesn't really work; the flags would probably retain most of their original color, with some sun bleaching.

    Try changing the grass to a sparser yellow to emphasize the neglected feel.

    Paint for amusement park rides is very durable, and often lasts until the entire ride collapses into rust. Consider the following, which has been dormant since '86:
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    Looking good, I like the composition! I think you can pull some planks off the the ticketbooth, make it look really weak...And presentation wise, it would be cool to have a very slow panning camera, add some wind effects in there, dust, dynamic cloud shadows moving on the ground etc :) Just some extra stuff to really make it shine~ Good luck with finishing up the project!
  • Anngelica
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    Anngelica polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome, thank you for the advice! I'll definitely make some changes. I really appreciate the help!
  • Shyralon
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    Shyralon polycounter lvl 11
    I really like the environment!
    I think the red lighting takes away a lot from this creepy atmosphere which I liked a lot in the first one, personally I would do the lighting a bit more subtle, like in these screenshots from The Secret World (I think this kind of lighting would fit very well here):

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