Is it possible to blur based on mask intensity in udk material editor? Since roughness does something similar I was wondering if it could be used to cheaply mimic pbr...
But blur what? Blur realtime reflection? Blur a cubemap? Widen a specular highlight?
A simple fake cubemap blur would be to use two cubemaps, one sharp and one blurred, and lerp between them with your 'roughness' mask. There is a whole lot more complicated stuff that can go on, but it is a very basic replacement.
Instead of using 2 environment maps you can simply sample one texture at different MIP levels, based on a roughness map.
If you don't like cubemaps look for equirectangular maps.
Thank you guys! I saw through all of the stuff. Its super helpful. I got UE4 and tested it out at first I was apprehensive because my computer is low spec. Then I placed all my assets inside. It works like a charm! I don't have to jiggle endless number of things for materials the reflections are amazing! And Dat Content Browser!
Also is it possible to go through mip levels on a realtime reflection of a render to texture cube?
I've looked all over for the Material Expression being used in the equirectangular maps that were posted above but to no avail. Specifically, I can't for the life of me find the Materials with the X and Y attached to them.
But blur what? Blur realtime reflection? Blur a cubemap? Widen a specular highlight?
A simple fake cubemap blur would be to use two cubemaps, one sharp and one blurred, and lerp between them with your 'roughness' mask. There is a whole lot more complicated stuff that can go on, but it is a very basic replacement.
Why not just use UE4?
Like Quack said though, it would be a whole lot easier to just use UE4.
If you don't like cubemaps look for equirectangular maps.
Also is it possible to go through mip levels on a realtime reflection of a render to texture cube?
Use the code from the screenshot, "return atan2(x,y);" and "return acos(x);"