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Overpower Art Thread

polycounter lvl 6
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cleankid polycounter lvl 6

Hi guys, I posted some images for the game I am working on, but they got taken down when cghub went down, so I thought I would make a new thread and host the images elsewhere. So sorry about the reposts, but I do have some new art to show. I have been taking a stab at environment and figuring out our level so here are some updates.

A little info about Overpower:

Overpower is a free to play Fantasy Shooter game I am making with a friend in Unity. Hes doing all the coding / programming and I am doing the art. We have some friends chipping in here and there but its primarily been the 2 of us.

This is the first time I am attempting to make a game on the side. So I am learning a lot and just trying to figure things out. Anyways, here is some art :)

Crazy Bots running around fighting each other (temporary environment)


Arena Level prototype in Unity


Take on forest Trees:



Characters, which I previously posted in another thread





Thanks for looking, I will continue to post updates in this thread from now on.


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