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Hard Surface Tank - Need Feedback Please

Hey guys I am coming to the end of my university course and as part of one of my modals I needed to created a hard surface asset. I also need to white a report about it and need some industry feed back to help within my report.

So if anyone has 5 minutes could you throw me some quick feedback and tell me weather or not you see this asset as being at an industry standard of work?

The tri count is 12,320 for anyone who wants to know :)

Thanks so much guys.



  • theSixtyEight
    Offline / Send Message
    theSixtyEight polycounter lvl 7
    I think the smoothing has some problems (did u bake normals from hipoly?), speculars are waaaay to sharp, decrease gloss value and spec value aswell (id suggest turning down spec to almost 0 and keeping most of spec in fresnel).
    Bolts looks imo quite huge, making the apc to look like a small toy.
    Also i would decrease saturation a bit
  • Fisher007
    Offline / Send Message
    Fisher007 polycounter lvl 8
    Editing the specular would really boost the quality, indeed. Try adding some noise into it (both darker and brighter). I would also add some roughness (noise, try some texture to normal map converter) to the normal map or use separate roughness map and some scratches because the paint looks brand new (these can also go into the spec and normal map too)

    Something like this? http://cargocollective.com/carlosleonard/Tank
    Some of the bolts look a bit flat, try to make them popp a bit more. Are they baked or 2D generated, something like ndo2?

    Btw, it looks good so far, some tweaking and you can get an awesome piece here! :)
  • Dku
    Currently the normal is bakes down from a Highpoly. I was trying out 3DSMax's Mat ID function to get acurate HP AO without having to do an exploded scene. I did consider using NDO2 but didn't in the end to try and keep to make origonal methood of baking streight from highpoly. After steping back and looking at it the bolts are quite shallow and some do need a bit of resizing.
  • DWalker
    This is an APC, not a tank. (Looks like a modified M-113.) It may seem a minor detail, but most of those looking for an artist would know the difference.

    The paint overall should be matte - i.e. there should be no specular - except where it has worn off, exposing the bare metal beneath.

    The handholds on the skirt don't really belong, nor do those at the bottom of the rear ramp.

    The machine gun and the commander's cupola just don't look right; the gun is almost always an M2 or the local country's equivalent, and is mounted on a ring so it can rotate in a full circle.

    You should include the original reference for more accurate comments.
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