Im wondering if there are any good scattering/object painting plugins for 3Ds max, kind of like object paint. Object paint is not an option as it gives me bad and innaccurate resaults.
Its mainly to paint leaves on branches etc.
Edit, i just noticed that 3Ds 2015 has been released. I have also heard it comes with some kind of new object paint. Anyone tried it?
Have you tried using particle effects to populate the surface of tree or branches with leaf meshes? You can control where they go with a vertex paint mask. There's a lot you can do with it to define where the leafs go and how big they are.
Here are some notes I wrote up for a talk I did:
It goes over setting up the particle system to spawn leaves and using vertex paint to control the placement. It doesn't have any images, they where just outline notes, but you can also check out the max file that I used for the talk: