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Kurt (Nowhere Men) WIP

Hey guys, I've been working on this character for the past couple of weeks on and off, here's what I've got so far.

It's based on a guy named Kurt from the comic "Nowhere Men." Basically I wanted to try and convert the comic book style to a more realistically rendered style in an interesting way. His proportions are a little different in every panel so I had to play around with the model a bit in that regard. Still lots of detailing to do. Comments and Crits very welcome!



  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    Hey man, he looks cool I think the head is the least interesting part compared to the rest of the character, not sure what you could do or if you want to change anything since I don't know the comic.
    Maybe you could add some off the plate like skin to form some structure there too.
  • Kel-Shaded
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    Kel-Shaded polycounter lvl 6
    If you make the head a little smaller and hollow out the cheeks to be more angular it should fit in with the balance of detail across the body better
  • BendE
    It's been awhile since I've had a chance to work on this guy, but I've recently gotten him retopped, textured, and posed a bit. I plan on going back and pushing the textures more eventually, things look a bit plain to me I think

  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    this looks really cool.

    but, I have a question... its a practicality/anatomical kind of question. the space inbetween his pelvis and his thigh looks like it would purely be bone with the way the rest of his body is contruscted... so how does he actually walk? mind you, I'm no character artist, and barely understand muscle structure and what not... so if i'm ignorant in the idea, please explain to me so I can put this curiosity with characters formed like this to rest.
  • BendE
    Well, as I was building it I was sort of thinking of it like a crab joint. He's got sort of armor-ey plating all over his body so underneath is all the bone/muscle, and I was thinking of that area as just sort of lacking the armor and his "squishy" body is exposed. The same thing is happening on the back of his knees and near his feet
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    Ok, I get ya, so, the outer parts are more like pounds and pounds of flesh, like plating. and the parts that are smaller there are more like a thin layer of flesh overtop muscle and joint. I don't know why I never thought about that, thanks.
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