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Dragon W.I.P

polycounter lvl 7
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laurentwauquier polycounter lvl 7
Hey there everyone !

This is my first post here and I intended to show you the last thing I've been working on.
Inspired by Game of Thrones, The Hobbit's Smaug and by the fact that my whole life I've wanted a dragon, like BAD lol, I decided that the best way to have one of my own is to make it in 3d ( since the odds of having a real one are slowly decreasing as I become older )

It still lacks a lot of polishing and work here( I also need to see how I can define the shapes better, seems that all the scales are blobby ) and there and I'm still looking into the diffuse posibilities. I really like the skin shader look though.
It gives that baby-foetus like feel to the dragon. It is (partly) what I'm going for, a young, small dragon ( with ALOT less of glossy HAHA)
So I might go with something along those lines, the scales might have a tad less SSS going on for them. I'll look into making a map for that later on!



Any critiques and comments are really welcome !
Let me know what you think


  • DWalker
    The front legs seem rather spindly, and the shoulder is rather undefined. Part of the problem is that the pose feels rather artificial; personally, I've always found a stalking cat a rather good model for a dragon's animations, at least for more athletic dragons.
    The wing membrane's attachment to the body should be longer, reaching to the hips.

    The tail seems very short; it really should be at least as long as the body.
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