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Studying Animation and Modeling

Hello, When i started in this 3D world. I started with Modeling, But in my heart i always was in love with animation.

Thinking of joining iAnimate, this summer. i want to spend as much as i can in animation. But also, i don't want to leave modeling/sculpting behind.

How much should i spend in animation and in modeling per day or hour? I know it is better to be good in one thing, so i choose animation. But, i also want to sculpt things in Zbrush and Learn anatomy.

How to organize my time? I am ready to sacrifice many things, like going out,playing games, i can also sacrifice sleep, at least i can try. I know you guys are more experience than me, so you advice will be appreciated.


  • JustMeSR
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    JustMeSR polycounter lvl 4
    I wish I had more expereance with this topic...but I will try to give you some advice (also to bump this post and possibly get my view of time management critiqued/ fixed/ changed):\
    Ciceto wrote: »
    How much should i spend in animation and in modeling
    per day or hour?

    The more the better, 5 hours are average, 1 hour is total minimum.
    Ciceto wrote: »
    I am ready to sacrifice many things, like going out,playing games, i can also sacrifice sleep, at least i can try. I know you guys are more experience than me, so you advice will be appreciated.

    Depending on how much time you spend on them, you may not have to give up any of them.

    Sacrificing sleep doesn't sound like good idea, you loose willpower and energy (you could use tomorow) for few hours of time.

    Sacrificing all your free time activities (except art) may lead you to "toxic cycle" (work, eat, sleep). That may end up in lack of motivation.

    I would reccomend doing that 2-5 hours of animating (and gradually increasing till you hit your 5 or more hours). Few hours of modelling (or modelling 2 days in a week instead of animating). And after you are finished, Done. You can play, go out, sleep all you want.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Well sacrificing sleep is a horrible idea. It depends on the type of studios you want to work at. If you want to do smaller indie games, or mobile games then being good at multiple disciplines is generally a good thing. If you want to work at a AAA studio than you should focus on whatever skill you want because they look for specialized people.
  • unit187
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    unit187 polycounter lvl 9
    I have to agree with you guys, sacrificing sleep and outdoor activities is bad idea. I know it on my own experience. You get all kind of negative effects from lack of energy to health issues.

    Watch your health closely. Yes, you might be able to do all kind of unhealthy things today and feel ok, but later it will backfire and will reduce your ability not only to work effectively, but also enjoy your life in general.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Hopefully you do not do a introduction course because it seems to me to be a waste of money for some of the starter things to learn
  • Ciceto
    Yea i know, sacrificing sleep, will be bad for me or anyone else. It was in desperate way. I have no idea how to manage time.

    And, i would like to work in AAA studio. And i know i need to specialize. And that is the problem.
  • iconoplast
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    iconoplast polycounter lvl 13
    Ciceto wrote: »
    I have no idea how to manage time.
    Fix that first.
  • Zzam_W
    Ciceto wrote: »
    Hello, When i started in this 3D world. I started with Modeling, But in my heart i always was in love with animation.

    Hello Ciceto, I thinking the same way, modelling is the basic understanding when entering animation world just like my teacher said to me and another student.
    I started modelling with Maya for 2 weeks but when entered short term 3d class it changed to Max, because in my country Max has take over the industry.

    I have lot of struggle time when start modelling, when build each polygon based on concept image plane. . . .

    But the way of modelling is changed when using Zbrush rather than build each polygon of wireframe, sclupting is the best way to create not only detail instead than silhoette when using Max or Maya. thats my oppinion as newbiee in this 3d world.
  • Ciceto
    iconoplast wrote: »
    Fix that first.

    Any advice for that?
  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Ciceto wrote: »
    Any advice for that?
    Try to set yourself deadlines.

    Lets say "I have to finish this model with textures til the end of the week".

    And don´t overwhelm yourself. Do whats possible in this time period. Thats how real productions work.
  • Ciceto
    I am a bit confused. When learning about drawing. Should i start to learn about figure drawing first and then to learn anatomy, or should i learn first anatomy?

    What do i need to know for figure drawing? Proportions? Any good books or tutorials about this, would be good if its step by step process.

    I've got some books from Loomis. But he don't explain how to draw, step by step.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Ciceto wrote: »
    I am a bit confused. When learning about drawing. Should i start to learn about figure drawing first and then to learn anatomy, or should i learn first anatomy?

    What do i need to know for figure drawing? Proportions? Any good books or tutorials about this, would be good if its step by step process.

    I've got some books from Loomis. But he don't explain how to draw, step by step.


    thats everything you need to know from the beginning.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    Hi Ciceto. Some good advice here already.

    What do you plan to animate in? Maya? Max? Are you going to be strictly 3d or do you want to animate in 2d as well?

    There are free rigs available online for you to start animating simple sequences like walk cycles and such. Consider joining sites like The 11 second club.

    For 2d, you can animate quite successfully using Photoshop and any number of other paint/draw programs.

    I would set yourself some relatively easy tasks at first to build confidence then start to challenge yourself with more complicated assignments. Try to organise your time, as has been said before.

    Sometimes it's difficult to work at home, or 'where you live' without disruption but there are tricks to use to get into a working mind-state. It might be as simple as closing the door to the room you're in, turning off the stereo/TV/phone or wearing something that you equate with 'work'. Sounds silly but it can do the trick.
  • Mark Dygert
    I would pick one or the other, there is a lot to learn in both and splitting your time will probably just frustrate you. Animation and modeling may seem like they can be learned at the same time but honestly I don't think they are all that compatible.

    I think you should explore both for a bit maybe 4-6mo on one then 4-6mo on the other but not at the same time. Stick with them long enough to get a good sense of what you're career would be like but then pick one and go at it hard for 3-4 years.
  • Ciceto
    Thank you Mark,

    I think i'm already frustrated.I really want to choose one think and stick with it.

    Let summary of my "problem"

    I like to animate characters. To bring static models in life it is really fun. To give them something to do. Give them emotions.

    But, i like also to create characters. Rafael Grassetti and Vitaly Bulgarov, had really big influence for me. I want to create character and creatures.

    I tried that thing. First i learn how to model for 6mo and also how to animate.

    Also for animation. Where should i get characters. Those character that are already on net. From AM, iAN, are boring.Animating the same character over and over again are really boring. I know if you know to animate model A you will animate model C. How to get new ones? Should i hire character modeler to make me a character and then rig it?

    How much does it cost for character/creatures model?
  • Ciceto
    After having second thoughts. I decide to choose modeling and stick with it. I had enough trying to decide which one to focus.

    I think modeling and creating characters are more fun for me. Even my drawing and Anatomy skill are below 0.
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