Hey guys,
So I wanted to use UE4 and I love Doctor Who so I thought I would do a Doctor Who inspired scene.
So the plan is that this study belongs to an old companion of the Doctor who has passed away and the Doctor is here for one last visit. And I plan to tell the stories of the adventures they had through the environment. So random alien souvenirs and photos etc
Everything is super WIP atm just trying to get the lighting looking nice with basic colours. The desk is baked though!
and I need to change the colour of that awful carpet!
Danpaz3d, I dont know probably not? I am pretty happy with the lighting? What did you have in mind?
I have been texturing some assets
I have also started with substance designer, needs more work but its a start!
I got a wallpaper material going, uses two tilable texture a set of 4 decals.
and also a fireplace baked down ready to be textured
Messed with lighting some more, what do you guys think? I liked it but a friend said its too dark? I think he could be right?
The wooden floors normal map does not line up with the albedo btw.
I have raised the light intensity and made the shadows softer. I need to get some dust particles going too I think.
Thanks for the floor catch!
Think I have a finished wood floor now, Substance designer is amazing.
It looks like your roughness values on your wooden floor are being masked per plank. Normally the roughness mask wouldn't be isolated for each individual plank but would extend across the entire floor itself. I say this because it looks like you have different roughness masks being applied to planks right beside each other.