Hey Guys, im trying to learn 3Ds max at the moment but i just hit a minor error.
What i'm trying to do:
Aligning a mesh edge with a vertex.
By selecting the edge with "snapping to vertex" turned on, i drag the edge in the Y-axis (the axis i want to move it).
The Problem:
Even though i drag it by the Y axis, the Move tool moves in all axis! :S
The rightmost button (Enable Axis Constrains in Snap Toggle) determines whether movement is constrained while snap is active. To the left of that toggle, choose what axis (or what plane: XY, YZ, ZX) you want to constraint movement to. Now, ignore your move gizmo (you can hide it if you want--Shift+Ctrl+X), and just grab a vertex on the edge you want to move, and drag it over to the vertex you want to line it up to. Should work.
More explanation of snap behavior in this video:
edit: oops, took too long to answer, someone else did. The extra details might be helpful though