Hi people. I have been modeling with a classic technique until now and i wonder how do you people solve the problem of the visible cuts in a texture map. This image will explain better what i mean:

A simple line it's easy to solve but i have face some model which have a very visible cut and it's very hard to fix it by hand.
There is some kind of metod to solve this issue faster than the traditional way?
Thanks for the help!
Search Poly Wiki for more know how on how to unwrap properly. Also note SEAMS (cuts) are unavoidable and there are tricks at play to make the effect less noticeable.
Also head on over to 3DMotive and get one of their UVW unwrap videos its load of help.
Painting out seams is always an issue, good UVs help reduce but not eliminate them. Max has a pretty decent 3d paint tool, Viewport Canvas, worth a look.