Ever since Zbrush added the dynamic option to brushes, I've noticed that the 1000 max brush size is completely dependent upon the size of your model, which is great... unless your 1000 max cap turns out to be the size of your characters fingernail.
Tt tends to happen when I follow these steps:
1. Blockout with dynamesh then quick zremesh for base mesh
2. Use GoZ to get characeter to match proper scale in maya so he fits on the rig. (usually results in scaling up)
3. Use GoZ to go back to zbrush and continue to add details, (this is where I start to get the problem.) I'm assuming that because I scaled it up in maya zbrush is keeping the "scene scale" from when I first blocked things out.
I usually just deal with it by not using the dynamic feature, but it's a really handy thing that I would like to be able to use.
Anyone have any tips or know whats going on behind the scenes?
Yeah just tried that, I can't seem find a good solution. Anytime I have something sized "properly" (using cm and trying to make a human the average 165-170cm tall) in maya everything in zbrush wants to murder you!
The problem seems to go beyond the dynamic feature of brush draw size. Dynamesh works off of the same scene scale so even a resolution setting of 16 or 8 will give you a lot more polygons then you really need or want when dealing with creating accessories.
To clarify, when I say the classic way, I don't just mean importing using the Tool menu itself. You need to import on top of the default polymesh (star). Then you should see a value under Tool: Export: Scale that will represent how much the object was scaled to make it fit that same space (and you should also see it filling up the Tool: Preview window perfectly), and how much it should be scaled and offset on export in order to return it to the correct size and position. That is what you want for zbrush to treat it best. If you import over a tool that already has some export values assigned, those will not update.
If you're still having problems, then I'd recommend not working in cm in Maya when you go to export. Scale the mesh by some value of 10 that you can easily remember so that when you bring it back, you can quickly rescale it into place.
Preferences > Draw > Max Brush Size (5000)
Preferences > Draw > Dynamic Brush Scale (Whatever feels good)
Its hard to get it to work (not super sure how I am doing it) but shift+click and slide (or shift+double click on "dynamic" text besides scale slider) seem to do the trick.
Looks like its one of those weird zbrush things.