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[UDK] Cannon prop

polycounter lvl 13
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Pookhan polycounter lvl 13
Hey Polycounters. I've started this new project to work on my asset production and ZBrush skills. Looking for crits to help improve these areas.



Please hit me with any improvements or suggestions I can use for this project.



  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    The mesh and sculpt look good to me.

    I think the area that could use the most improvement is the texture and material definition. The materials look very flat. Maybe it's just the lighting?

    What are you using for the textures? Are you just using polypaint inside of Zbrush?

    What do your flat texture maps look like?
  • DWalker
    It's a mortar, rather than a cannon, just in case you're labeling it in a portfolio. ;)

    Mortars of the period usually had iron mounts, but those with wooden mounts were made from thick planks, rather than a single piece of wood.
    The rings really don't belong; the mortar was far too heavy for a half-dozen guys to just pick it up and wander off.
  • Pookhan
    Offline / Send Message
    Pookhan polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for the feedback!

    @Tobbo I've textured this in Photoshop. The screenshot is inside of UDK with Diffuse, Normal, Spec material setup and standard lighting. I can never get a sharp screenshot in UDK so not sure if the settings are incorrect. Do you have any suggestions?

    @Dwalker Thanks for the tip. I've based this mortar on this image. I think it's a Napoleonic mortar. But I agree that it does look a bit out of place. The metal supports on the sides of your image look quite cool too so I''ll maybe look into changing this up.

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