This is another portfolio piece I am trying to wrap up this week. I finished the highpoly.. now on to the retopo.. fun fun. Hope you like!
The idea I think is more along the lines of robocop inside..where it is just a head.. and maybe some supporting organs kinda built I to a suit.. no actual body. Perhaps it is even an android head?? Hope this clears up the functionality question. Also the unit itself is a heavy lifting unit like the one in aliens.. as one of our fellow polycounters put it.
The idea I think is more along the lines of robocop.. it is a head.. and maybe some supporting organs kinda built I to a suit.. no actual body. Hope this clears up the functionality question.
You've done a great job with the shape and lines of this piece and I'm looking forward to seeing how well the bakes come out.
But as Robeomega pointed out the arm are not practical but they do have a creepy look to it. Looking at the shape and positionof the arms, I would say this dude more likely be found in a warehouse or factory as it has an Aliens 'power loader' sort of vibe rather than a crime fighter.
You've done a great job with the shape and lines of this piece and I'm looking forward to seeing how well the bakes come out.
But as Robeomega pointed out the arm are not practical but they do have a creepy look to it. Looking at the shape and positionof the arms, I would say this dude more likely be found in a warehouse or factory as it has an Aliens 'power loader' sort of vibe rather than a crime fighter.
This is exactly what is intended to be. I guess I should have explained more... I will update the header in a while with a better description. It is supposed to be a heavy loader.. type mech. Just like the one in aliens. I was just referring to the inner mechanics of it. It not supposed to be a whole body.. rather just a head.. maybe even a android head (again like in aliens ) who knows!:) thanks for pointing that out. Now i see where the confusion comes from! I hope the bakes turn out great! I am debating on splitting it up into several 2k maps. or making it all on huuuge map for easier detail texturing. I will be rendering this one in marmoset.. so I am open for suggestions. This is not a practical unit.. just a presentation piece.. so it will be mapped and retopo as a static mesh. Also feel free to check out my other thread on this portfolio. Another scene .. in ue4!
Might want to give credit to the person who created the concept.
It's a bit to similar to just be coincidence.
On the low, I think you can collapse some segments in the socket (since this will just be covered up) for the arm,and redistribute those triangles to the collar.
Might want to give credit to the person who created the concept.
It's a bit to similar to just be coincidence.
On the low, I think you can collapse some segments in the socket (since this will just be covered up) for the arm,and redistribute those triangles to the collar.
Thanks so much! This is the reference. I asked permission ages ago.. but since the death of cghub I have lost the concept. Proper recognition for the concept! Thanks again.
This is exactly what is intended to be. I guess I should have explained more... I will update the header in a while with a better description. It is supposed to be a heavy loader.. type mech. Just like the one in aliens. I was just referring to the inner mechanics of it. It not supposed to be a whole body.. rather just a head.. maybe even a android head (again like in aliens ) who knows!:) thanks for pointing that out. Now i see where the confusion comes from! I hope the bakes turn out great! I am debating on splitting it up into several 2k maps. or making it all on huuuge map for easier detail texturing. I will be rendering this one in marmoset.. so I am open for suggestions. This is not a practical unit.. just a presentation piece.. so it will be mapped and retopo as a static mesh. Also feel free to check out my other thread on this portfolio. Another scene .. in ue4!
Ah right, well I follow you now mate. If you are putting through Marmoset, perhaps it may be best to split it into 2 maps, one for the suit itself and one for the head. That way you can go to town with the awesome PBR and skin shaders.
As it stands now the mesh is turning to quite a beast but you should get a fantastic bake. Keep up the hard work!
Ah right, well I follow you now mate. If you are putting through Marmoset, perhaps it may be best to split it into 2 maps, one for the suit itself and one for the head. That way you can go to town with the awesome PBR and skin shaders.
As it stands now the mesh is turning to quite a beast but you should get a fantastic bake. Keep up the hard work!
Thanks again! I def working on this one over time. lol But I hope for good results. I think I will take your advice and do the head separate for sure. Anyone know of a killer scifi gun that hasn't been done yet?? I need a final piece for my portfolio!
I am getting ready to texture this thing. I know the original concept is mainly white with some yellow. I am considering other color schemes. I am thinking black and yellow and some galvanized steel. Yore thoughts?
The textures are totally failing the high poly you did. There is hardly any material definition and it just looks like AO thrown on a flat diffuse. This might be because you need to put it in a better renderer. What did you use to render this out?
The face could really use some attention. It looks like the eyes are the same color as the skin. The is no changes in color in the face either. The metal wear is too consistent and barely noticeable. I don't know what the majority of the mech is made out of which isn't what you would want. Sorry for being harsh, but you have a nice high poly to stop where you are at now isn't doing your work justice.
@ sixtyeight and stevston89: thanks for the input. I will try to add some further detail. I was trying to only apply detail that would really occur in real life. Most of this was actually done by hand -.- lol i only used ddo for a small part. Also, i didnt want to stray tooo far away form the original concept.. it appears to be mainly a smooth plastic with a few metal facings which is what i went for. I will try to adjust some of things you guys mentioned. Thanks again.
Yeah it's looking good but I was going to say something about the material definition and separation until Stevston89 beat me to it! The materials are all reading the same to me. Maybe try and exaggerate them more?
it appears to be mainly a smooth plastic with a few metal facings which is what i went for.
To add to this, the material you have doesn't quite read like smooth plastic. If you look at the concept, the specular highlights of the plastic are much more pronounced. It could be the lighting you have setup, or it could be the maps. Some examples of super clean plastic.
Edit: I couldn't quite put my finger on it before. It looks like a Matte White Vinyl wrapped around the armor on your guy right now.
Yeah it's looking good but I was going to say something about the material definition and separation until Stevston89 beat me to it! The materials are all reading the same to me. Maybe try and exaggerate them more?
Maybe it's just your lighting setup again?
Thanks again. Yeah, I guess I need to exaggerate them a bit. I wanted to be completely realistic with the materials.. they are accurate. But apparently not pleasing to the eye. Perhaps a video turntable shows them off better?
AHHH I FOUND THE PROBLEM!! im such a nob right now... I had my maps backs wards (wrong slots) (marmoset) now it looks a lot better to me. I will post more pics in a few mins. Thanks for pointing this out guys!
I am tired of researching! Will someone pleeeeeeeeease tell me how to turn my image sequence (rendered form marmoset) into a video file?? and why doesnt the newest version of marmoset (2.03) render videos??
i dont have marmoset but probably to avoid all the issues that come from implementing video and let the user compose their own stuff instead. you can do it in after effects or premiere easily by importing it as a sequence or by setting the default image duration to the video framerate. i think photoshop or at least photoshop extended can too.
after effets, just import it as an image sequence and then render it out. Also the problem with your mech is that the texture is very muddled and looses detail, it's also not very interesting, the model is cool but not the texture nor the lighting, hope this helps.
What do yall recommend I do to spice up the texture? I am willing to give it a try. Also.. I am not too concerned with lighting.. These are just wip shots. I was referring to the reference with the textures. What are some ideas?
Sry for the long time finishing up here. Here is the link to the final renders and proper clay passes of the high poly model on my website. Thanks for all of the feedback!
But as Robeomega pointed out the arm are not practical but they do have a creepy look to it. Looking at the shape and positionof the arms, I would say this dude more likely be found in a warehouse or factory as it has an Aliens 'power loader' sort of vibe rather than a crime fighter.
This is exactly what is intended to be. I guess I should have explained more... I will update the header in a while with a better description. It is supposed to be a heavy loader.. type mech. Just like the one in aliens. I was just referring to the inner mechanics of it. It not supposed to be a whole body.. rather just a head.. maybe even a android head (again like in aliens ) who knows!:) thanks for pointing that out. Now i see where the confusion comes from! I hope the bakes turn out great! I am debating on splitting it up into several 2k maps. or making it all on huuuge map for easier detail texturing. I will be rendering this one in marmoset.. so I am open for suggestions. This is not a practical unit.. just a presentation piece.. so it will be mapped and retopo as a static mesh. Also feel free to check out my other thread on this portfolio. Another scene .. in ue4!
It's a bit to similar to just be coincidence.
On the low, I think you can collapse some segments in the socket (since this will just be covered up) for the arm,and redistribute those triangles to the collar.
Thanks so much! This is the reference. I asked permission ages ago.. but since the death of cghub I have lost the concept. Proper recognition for the concept! Thanks again.
Ah right, well I follow you now mate. If you are putting through Marmoset, perhaps it may be best to split it into 2 maps, one for the suit itself and one for the head. That way you can go to town with the awesome PBR and skin shaders.
As it stands now the mesh is turning to quite a beast but you should get a fantastic bake. Keep up the hard work!
Thanks again! I def working on this one over time. lol But I hope for good results. I think I will take your advice and do the head separate for sure. Anyone know of a killer scifi gun that hasn't been done yet?? I need a final piece for my portfolio!
The face could really use some attention. It looks like the eyes are the same color as the skin. The is no changes in color in the face either. The metal wear is too consistent and barely noticeable. I don't know what the majority of the mech is made out of which isn't what you would want. Sorry for being harsh, but you have a nice high poly to stop where you are at now isn't doing your work justice.
Maybe it's just your lighting setup again?
To add to this, the material you have doesn't quite read like smooth plastic. If you look at the concept, the specular highlights of the plastic are much more pronounced. It could be the lighting you have setup, or it could be the maps. Some examples of super clean plastic.
Edit: I couldn't quite put my finger on it before. It looks like a Matte White Vinyl wrapped around the armor on your guy right now.
Thanks again. Yeah, I guess I need to exaggerate them a bit. I wanted to be completely realistic with the materials.. they are accurate. But apparently not pleasing to the eye. Perhaps a video turntable shows them off better?
I feel that it looks better but around the leg area, it still feels flat in terms of texture.