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Destroying an existing building for 3d artwork

polycounter lvl 8
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rahulkul2003 polycounter lvl 8
Hi all,

I have a question.. Is it legal to make a collapsed or destroyed 3d version of a real world existing monument or building.

Is there any chance of hurting sentiments of people,if they see it going collapsed or completely destroyed in a cg graphic version.



  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    It would be odd for it not to be legal but if your questioning this in the first place then it sounds like something that could possibly offend alot of people, so it depends on what your reasons and or message your trying to get across is... The point that your asking this insinuates your aim is more than just creating any random destroyed building for a portfolio piece because if it was then you wouldnt be having this problem etc.

    But then again you could simply be over thinking it lol.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I guess it depends. If you're remaking Disney World in ruins, yeah, you'd probably run into some legal problems. But if you're just knocking the head off of the statue of liberty or something don't worry about it, that happens in every movie anyway.

    Also, if you want to see some destroyed versions of real monuments, take a look at fallout 3...
  • rahulkul2003
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    rahulkul2003 polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys.maybe i need to change my idea a bit.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Destroyed World Trade Center is another story, though. Many ppl can take things too personal.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Context is everything. If you just show a static model of the Vietnam Wall half destroyed with rubble and spraypaint on it, be prepared to get a really nasty response. Put that exact art asset in a game where one of the characters comes across it and is really, really upset at the sight of it and what has happened to the world to get to the point where something like that happens... you'll probably get a lot of people thanking you.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    the movie 2012 is pretty much famous buildings and places getting smashed porn, that said no idea on the restrictions i've heard of trouble coming from using a likeness of a church in a game..
  • kneedeepinthedoomed
    Is it legal to make a collapsed or destroyed 3d version of a real world existing monument or building.
    If that wasn't legal in some country, I would be concerned. I strongly suspect that the legal side might be a lot simpler than the moral side. One should not confuse the two.

    I can think of many, many novels, movies and games where real buildings or parts of cities are depicted. Google has no qualms about taking pictures of everything.
    Is there any chance of hurting sentiments of people
    Of course. But it might not necessarily be a large problem unless you have a lot of money to lose. Then you probably want to be very conservative.

    I can also think of many examples of ruined stuff that's being shot up, exploded or burned. Ruined alien infested NYC in Crysis, ruined Reichstag in Call of Duty, flooded or otherwise ruined New York in a number of movies, nukes going off in The Day After come to mind. Stalker: Clear Sky depicts combat in a ruined church. No one really seemed to care. FEAR has combat and psychotic crap in a church. Far Cry 2 has combat and presumably a massacre in a church. Tomb Raider has more ruined temples than you can shake a stick at, and you don't see the games banned in those countries. Some recent game, I forget which, has collapsing skyscrapers purely for effect. Lots of movies have plane crashes.

    For the moral side, it probably matters what your intent is.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    I don't know about the law in US , but japanese anime has been doing simple knockoff for long time
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    Some reading about photography of architecture;

    If you are going to do a piece like in "Life After Humans" then I think you'd not have to worry too much. Just don't do any memorial piece, nothing related to Disney, and nothing even remotely related to the WTC (past and present).
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    What's this for? Are we just talking about folio pieces? You don't need to worry about that for a folio piece.
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