So I have created my high poly mesh and I have a low poly that is uved, but still I get these horrible normal results using xnormal, I even tried using mud-box to bake but that wasn't any better, is it my low poly or could it be my uvs?
here is my scuplt

he is my low poly and its uvs..

and he is the bad normals

as u can see it looks awful
I dunno wheter its do to with my uvs or wheter its just a bad low poly or even me baking it wrong in xnormal, but I didnt try with mudbox and it still looked quite bad, it was slighty better..
1) Hard edges without UV padding
2) Not an averaged projection, missing information in the gaps.
3) No super sampling or anti aliasing
4) Distorted projection envelope causing missed projections inside concave areas of mesh.
If you watch all three of these videos you should have a good handle on baking: