With a sedentary job like game design you HAVE to get some kind of exercise. Doesn't have to be lifting but I personally love it. It's the only thing keeping me sane while looking for a job and working on my portfolio. Well gym and the ol' ball & chain.
Anyway I thought I'd make a thread to talk about gym related things. Post stats, routines or ask for advice. Obviously for specific things you're better off going to bodybuilding.com or similar sites.
I'm currently doing 5/3/1. I did SS when I started, I've also done madcow, PHAT and a push/pull.
stats from www.strstd.com
squat used to be 170 but I skipped leg day for like 5 months
If anyone wants to get into lifting I'd be happy to give some advice.
Big fan of that little tool you posted. I just diddled with it and found it fun and easy to use.
I'm a major gym goer. I haven't been doing 5/3/1 or any sort of pyramid type training lately-I've been focusing on adding some pure size. I've noticed that, for me, 5x8 on the core lifts have been pretty fantastic while using a 3x8-12 for auxiliary exercises. I do a pretty standard body building split and have been for pretty much ever.
As for why I go? Keeps me sane. Gets me out now that I'm a f/t freelancer. Love lifting. I have body image issues. RAGE!!! Need I go on?
komaokc, pretty solid lifts there. For your squats, do you go ass to grass? I started doing it a few months ago and had to rebuild my squat but it's been absolutely worth it.
I got to get back into the game been f-ing up hardcore for a couple of months, like 6-8 lol. Being jobless is hard on goals to be honest, Anyway.
Like to watch these funny dudes at times they have whole bunch of channels about lifting and such, as for them being natties I don't know 100% but they preach a good sermon.
@Rurouni Strife: I do ATG on most of my sets, except for the top set. On that I just go below parallel. I got some great size gains on PHAT, but my lifts stalled way too much so I switched back to a mainly strength based routine.
@D4V1DC: TMW are entertaining to watch, but don't take what they say too seriously. I only really watch elliot hulse (strengthcamp) these days. And klokov. I don't understand a thing he says but still cool to watch.
If anyone knows any other good youtube channels or other good information, please post it here!
I think the other thread is mostly weight loss. Might be cool to focus purely on lifting in this thread?
Ha I was just about to mention Elliot Hulse! Dude has great videos, has really helped me adjust some of my form and inspired me to do nothing but ATG squats.
I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a while, but now I've kinda started my own hybrid of the 5x5 and a hypertrophy split.
My biggest issue has always been sticking with a clean diet. Working at a studio with free dinners and goodies makes it even harder. I've recently started bringing my supplements to work and planning out my meals ahead of time which helps a bit. Sites like EatThisMuch are pretty helpful as well.
kom yea Elliot is great really motivating, sometimes though i listen and idk how to feel but he's been through a lot just on his channel alone.
He should put out another mix though nice beats.
Sean, how did you like Stronglifts 5x5? I had a guy mention it at the gym a while ago and I've done some looking into it...I'm half and half if I want to try a variation of that since I've been lifting since I was 16-17.
It's definitely a good way to put on some weight and increase your main lifts, especially if you couple it with a good bulking diet. You may find it a little boring if you've been lifting for a while though, and it seems to be geared more towards beginners. That's why I started doing my own mix of 5x5 and accessory lifts. I'd say it's worth trying out for your main lifts though, the routine is pretty encouraging since it's easy to see your progress by always adding weight every workout.
It depends on what your lifts are like now. You'll probable benefit from doing Starting Strength or Stronglifts, but if your lifts are already high you'll only progress for like 1-3 months. After that you can do Texas Method or Madcow for a while. And after that I'd do 5/3/1, PHAT or a standard push pull. As long as you include the big 4, or variations of them.
My biggest issue has always been sticking with a clean diet. Working at a studio with free dinners and goodies makes it even harder. I've recently started bringing my supplements to work and planning out my meals ahead of time which helps a bit. Sites like EatThisMuch are pretty helpful as well.
Yeah I definitely know the feeling. When I was working I'd take a shake or eat some tuna for lunch. But now that I'm unemployed I just snack all day
I've been meaning to do this for a while, finally got around to it. I started a Facebook group for game developers interested in staying or getting fit. There's a file with the links you provided as well as some I added.
Definitely hitting up some of those links, thanks!
My lifts are pretty good for my height/weight-except for squat unless I don't go atg. I'm all about getting stronger and bigger though and experimenting. I've also never heard of the Texas Method and Madcow. Going to check those out for fun.
I found it harder to eat right/timing when I worked in a studio. These days working from home, it's great to know that all the stuff I need is here. Snacking all day is no big thing if it's greek yogut, maybe a shake, eggs, etc.
Yeah those calculators don't work if you're squatting ATG. They use below parallel squats AFAIK.
I try to snack on fruit, so it's not that bad. Just need to do more cardio
and a more indepth breakdown....
I'm a major gym goer. I haven't been doing 5/3/1 or any sort of pyramid type training lately-I've been focusing on adding some pure size. I've noticed that, for me, 5x8 on the core lifts have been pretty fantastic while using a 3x8-12 for auxiliary exercises. I do a pretty standard body building split and have been for pretty much ever.
As for why I go? Keeps me sane. Gets me out now that I'm a f/t freelancer. Love lifting. I have body image issues. RAGE!!! Need I go on?
komaokc, pretty solid lifts there. For your squats, do you go ass to grass? I started doing it a few months ago and had to rebuild my squat but it's been absolutely worth it.
I got to get back into the game been f-ing up hardcore for a couple of months, like 6-8 lol. Being jobless is hard on goals to be honest, Anyway.
Like to watch these funny dudes at times they have whole bunch of channels about lifting and such, as for them being natties I don't know 100% but they preach a good sermon.
So are we not using this thread anymore and continue this on the other?
@Rurouni Strife: I do ATG on most of my sets, except for the top set. On that I just go below parallel. I got some great size gains on PHAT, but my lifts stalled way too much so I switched back to a mainly strength based routine.
@D4V1DC: TMW are entertaining to watch, but don't take what they say too seriously. I only really watch elliot hulse (strengthcamp) these days. And klokov. I don't understand a thing he says but still cool to watch.
If anyone knows any other good youtube channels or other good information, please post it here!
I think the other thread is mostly weight loss. Might be cool to focus purely on lifting in this thread?
I was doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a while, but now I've kinda started my own hybrid of the 5x5 and a hypertrophy split.
My biggest issue has always been sticking with a clean diet. Working at a studio with free dinners and goodies makes it even harder. I've recently started bringing my supplements to work and planning out my meals ahead of time which helps a bit. Sites like EatThisMuch are pretty helpful as well.
He should put out another mix though
Yeah I definitely know the feeling. When I was working I'd take a shake or eat some tuna for lunch. But now that I'm unemployed I just snack all day
I'll dump some of my bookmarks here for you guys:
http://www.rohitnair.net/pp/ Routine picker
http://www.liamrosen.com/fitness.html Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide
http://www.strgraphs.com/ a bit like strstd. Good for tracking progress
http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=156380183 Good thread on macros and calories
http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/ Intermittent fasting calculator, good for calculating normal calorie intake as well.
http://train.elitefts.com/instructional/so-you-think-you-can-bench-parts1-7/ So You Think You Can Bench (Bench press guide)
http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=120309781&pagenumber= decent 3 day split
http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/The_Starting_Strength_Novice/Beginner_Programs starting strength
http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=112382761 5/3/1
http://www.simplyshredded.com/mega-feature-layne-norton-training-series-full-powerhypertrophy-routine-updated-2011.html PHAT
http://stronglifts.com/madcow/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm madcow
http://stronglifts.com/5x5/ stronglifts
I've been meaning to do this for a while, finally got around to it. I started a Facebook group for game developers interested in staying or getting fit. There's a file with the links you provided as well as some I added.
My lifts are pretty good for my height/weight-except for squat unless I don't go atg. I'm all about getting stronger and bigger though and experimenting. I've also never heard of the Texas Method and Madcow. Going to check those out for fun.
I found it harder to eat right/timing when I worked in a studio. These days working from home, it's great to know that all the stuff I need is here. Snacking all day is no big thing if it's greek yogut, maybe a shake, eggs, etc.
I try to snack on fruit, so it's not that bad. Just need to do more cardio