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I need your help for research about crowdsourcing

Hey polycount forum,

I am currently doing research about crowdsourcing in video games for my bachelor thesis and I am looking for people who create content for the Steam Workshop to fill out my survey. I already contacted some people via Steam and had some good responses but it is really hard to reach people there and somebody suggested this forum might be a good place to ask.
The survey takes less than 5 minutes and it is really important for my work. If you know anybody else who creates items for Dota2 or Team Fortress and might be interested in helping me out, please share this with them as well :)


If you have any questions you can contact me via email: jan.kreitzscheck@gmx.de
add me on Steam: JV0508, message me in this forum or message me on FB: Jan Kreitzscheck

Thank you for your help



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