Well, i'm really not a 2d artist, but seems i always hoped one day i can learn to paint environments, so here and there, i do try, but very rarely.
I guess this section could use a bit more activity so i'll just post pics here.
These are two paintings i did in past, and hopefully i'll do some more sometime in future...
May I give you a study advice?
I'm far from being an expert in environments, but I noticed a great improvement on my skills after I've made some studies from photos. I didn't bother to paint details, I've used large brushes and focused in capturing the composition and the color relationships. They were quick studies, 30min time limit, 45 at worst.
I never imagined so many crazy colors could exist in nature and my perception on colors in general improved. This knowledge carried to characters, vehicles and creatures! I started to understand certain light effects, I've learned a lot about shadows. The trick is to ask yourself "why that shadow is that color? Why are these mountains blue? Why does this look so pink? Why that highlight seems orange?", not just mindlessly copy what you see.
For these studies I divided a canvas in 4, did 4 studies then proceeded to paint an environment from imagination, applying the discoveries I've made during the studies.