Hey guys, i stupidly purchased an extended google drive license ( 1 TB ) to backup my old work stuff and recent work securely...the thing is , it doesnt allow me to sync a chosen folder...only stuff inside the google drive folder ( since im at an SSD copying my work folder just to back it up defeats the purpose of working and it syncing in realtime ) , so does anyone that uses google drive found a workaround this ? i consider this a major ball dropper on google to not add such a simple funtion.
Thanks in advance !
though I do work like this with dropbox: All my current WIP projects are in the dropbox folder, backing up automatically. Once it;s done, i move it out and back it up manually on several drives. Actually i don't even do that last step much anymore. So just moving your workfolder might not be a big deal?
You guys got a cloud service to recommend for using as backup/work directory?
dropbox is damn expensive for what they give you, but i use the free service and its solid. Not sure 500gb will be nearly enough tho.
Had a look at google drive and it seems pretty good value but not familiar with it.
googling for cloud options gives a ton of options, with justcloud seeming to offer unlimited storage for peanuts, but then iv never heard of them before.
so if anyones got experience in hardcore cloudstorageing, share it!
What if the google drive files get corrupted? What if your ssd dies? Generally its best to have 3 copies for any backup system.
I use dropbox and gdrive but not to backup important or large stuff tbh.
Edit: Which isn't helpful for your current problem, but maybe this is for the future, and maybe helpful for others?
I thought dropbox at first but 500 GB at 50 usd per month against the 10 USD per month for 1 TB made my choice easier, of course nothing prepared me for such a stupidity on google drive of not beeing able to freely sync what we want.
P.S : Adam who did i insult ?
But in my many years of free Dropbox usage Iv never had any file problems. Anyone else?
Ideally I'd like something that combines backing up, revisioning and ability to share my files across multiple locations.
I'm doing something similar (the hardware is in the mail), but I'm planning on using the 1TB google drive plan as external backup as well.
A NAS alone isn't really backup, its better than nothing of course, but what if your house floods/burns down?
I use a couple external drives for local backups, plus a cloud backup. Nothing special on the externals, in fact a couple of them are USB freebies from Freecycle (which is awesome btw).
I started using CrashPlan a couple months ago, it's working great. $12.50/month, 1 year plan, less if you commit to longer.
They've been around awhile, so I don't worry about the site going dead. They let me use my own custom 448bit encryption key, which a security-conscious freelance client of mine likes. Rare to find a cloud setup with custom encryption. Dropbox is notoriously poor security-wise, look it up.
CrashPlan runs both the local and cloud backups, across multiple PCs, client is thin, unlimited backup size, continuous backup, versioning, etc.
I personally like to have 4.
Local backup
Backuping from one internal hard drive to another. it's pretty easy to automate this, pretty much backup everything use to protect from hard drive failures
Cloud backup
Use Google Drive/Dropbox to backup your current project and cleaned up folders of finished projects, it can be nice to have an online copy you can access anywhere
Onsite backup
Backup to external hard drive or NAS, I do this after any major project
Offset backup
I have an external HDD at my parent's house, just in case something happens to my house and the internet, only update it once every 6 months maybe? Also make sure I don't delete old projects for nostalgia, have stuff from middle school.