So just curious if the community knows of a good automatic way to pack UV. Essentially a program that you guys think does it best. Here is a few programs I tried and my ranking of it from 1-10.
- 3ds max: 7.5, I think this is the best results I have gotten
- Maya: 7, sometimes better then 3ds max, but sometimes it just puts the smaller pieces on top, and not between the larger pieces
- Zbrush: UV master plugin: 5 It does a great job relaxing the UVs but, does not do the best job laying it out
- UV roadkill: 4, it can do a great job for low poly stuff, but is terrible on more complex stuff.
I just like to design my UV layout manually, it gives me total control of how it looks like. But sure to begin with the manual edit it need to auto flatten it and it start from there; stitching/ moving/ etc.
Mainly I'm using Max and modo to work and had no major problem whatsoever with both of them. Max have a great TexTools that still does the job done and modo with the combination of atlas+relax mapping/ Uber Pelt script/ Eterea UVTools.
ZBrush UVMaster I just cant get it to work quite right for me, probably because of the lack of traditional stitch/ move/ etc feature.
So it comes down to doing these things manually if you want a great/packed UV layout. That manual step can be less tedious though with proper tools, such as TexTools for 3d studio Max (by Renderhjs) or Nightshade UV Editor for Maya (by myself).
Headus UV - never tried that. But it costs you money - which neither of the above alternatives do. I also recommend Roadkill for the actual unwrapping. Other than that, go with the guidelines Bek wrote down here above.
Even Headus, as awesome as it is.
I tend to take all my islands, move them off to the side, and then start moving them back in, starting from the largest ones and working my way down to the smaller ones to fill in gaps.
Also, i couldn't/wouldn't pack manually uv's for lightmaps on a whole scene.
I'm using max. I think unfold3d pack is great too. Glad they've been chosen by autodesk.
The auto pack itself is still poor, but it is handy when you are normalizing UVs across sections w/ radically different UV scales.
after I do the auto layout so all shells have same pixel density I re-pack them manually in as small of UV space as I can. For instance instead of using full 0-1 space, I'll use 0-approx 0.85 UV space depending on the model. Then once I'm happy I'll scale everything up to fit the full 0-1 UV space. I find this process gratifying because the last step when you scale it all up you then realize how much UV space was wasted by the automatic layout.
There's a button called rescale elements, outlined it in red
This is strange, somehow when I select my UV islands and press that button it do nothing.
Might not work if you have multiple objects selected w/in one UVedit modifier.
From a technically point of view automatic UV packing is a very hard problem (NP-hard, very similar to bin packing), where no algorithm exists, which would be able to push out a 100% solution in time.
Please correct me if i am wrong, but *I think* that doesn't work very well if your not selecting a single object's UVs. Tex-tools's (uv plugin) normalize function does nothing when multiple objects are selected.