I like to throw negative steryotype in their heads (which is why 'mainstream' will never accept me)
so here you have the 'beauty and the beast' idea thrown on it's butt.
i have been working on this for a while (off and on) and the black background is there to pump up the contrast and make it easier to see the lights and darks on both characters
The best advice i've heard for working out the key of your image, is this phrase.
High key is a pinch of dark, a handful of mids and a glass of lights.
Low key is pinch of light, a handful of mids and a glass of dark.
The reason why the first doesn't work is because you did high key lighting, but used a black background, throwing out your value range.
Anyways this is what i would do value wise on the image.
adding more contrast and redoing the background with a different feel to it and more like what i am trying for. bright and cheerful. Gerrard's discomfort is based exclusively on Nell's appearance and not the complete person she is as he represents mainstream opinion on those who are different. but rest assured, as this is fantasy he will be able to overcome his racism and bigotry without need of her turning into a human like mainstream demands
added more contrast
i was using reference of artists the were too 'conflicting' in style and it was leaving my work un-unified so i went back to my roots, norman Rockwell, Frank Frazetta and Mark Schultz