I have a model of a bag of chips, it has been 3d scanned from top and bottom side. So I have two models, where I have removed floor, that was scanned also . I need to combine both models of bottom and top of chips bag into one single mesh. I could use symmetry modifier in 3ds max to make for example top mesh to be like one, but I need to merge two meshes into one. Two models have different polycount, so it is not possible to merge them without any problem (I need to save texture for both models) So the question is, how to merge two scanned models into one without seams and artifacts, keep theri texture data?
You could also import the model into Zbrush,duplicate the subtool, Fill the holes, Qremesh it , divide it to desired resolution, save morphtarget, project the first mesh(imported one) on the Qremeshed one, clean up manually with the Morph Brush, decimate the fuck out of it and import it in your hardmodeling software.
Once this is done then you'll be chucked out one final mesh; that's quite accurate, however will have a few issues here and there and can cleanup/retopologise/bake within the standard Zbrush/Xnormal/Max-Maya pipeline.
The scan itself also keeps texture data in two ways; either uving the scan is thousands of small islands bit by bit, or by vertex colours. Again; this can be baked across to a lower poly once Unwrapped via Zbrush or Xnormals.
No candidate alignment arcs. Nothing Done."
I must be missing something
You can also bring in the texture in ZB and convert it to polypaint and re-project to your re-topod mesh/uvs
This only works if your 3dscans have the UVs still intact.
Once you have added the textures, you can then on each subtool again, convert the texture to polypaint (you may need to subdivide the scans to have enough polys to maintain the details from the texture resolution)
Once that is done, follow the steps above to clean up and add detail to your 3d scan, but make sure to leave polypaint turned on when you dynamesh so it gets transferred along.
Once you have your new 3dscan mesh combined and dynameshed with the polypaint, you can dupicate your new mesh, retopologize it and unwrap it with a nice clean uv, then subdivide and project the details and polypaint from the scan to the retopo mesh, and from under the texture dropdown, use Create from Polypaint to bake it.
I must be doing somethng wrong. I have imported one piece of model for test, then imported texture in zbrush, after went to UV map and created 4096 map, flipped it vertically (flip V) and then in texture map picked my imported texture, seems like uv is not working. I am missing something
Make sure you flip the texture before you apply it to the mesh.
Achieve somethng like this
If its to get a good UV layout, you can just duplicate it, unwrap the duplicate mesh with UVs the way you want, and us maxes Render to Texture feature to transfer the texture from the old split uv mesh to the new mesh with good uvs. ?
(i only scrubbed through it quickly, but it seems to cover it)