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Question about an "X-Ray Mode" for curves in Maya (Like bones)

Does anyone know if it's possible to enable an "X-Ray" mode for curves in Maya, similar to what's already available for bones? I'm building a rig and would like the controllers to be more visible in the scene. The HIK control rig has this feature (and I think those are curves), but I can't find a way to do it in Maya.

I've taken a look at creative crash for a plugin to do this, too, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. The closest thing I've found are tools that can make individual object semi-transparent, which is certainly not what I'm looking for. If Maya can't do this natively, does anyone know about a plugin/script?


  • Bartalon
    Offline / Send Message
    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    I was having similar difficulties identifying curves in my scene. I couldn't find any transparency settings so instead I changed the color to yellow which stands out from almost everything.

    Window > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings
    (In the color settings window) Inactive Tab > Objects frame, NURBS curves

    Additionally, when animating I usually create a selection set of all my controllers so they are all neatly listed in my Outliner for quick access.

    (Select all controllers) Create > Sets > Set

    Hope this helps
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