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Sketchbook: Andromeda

polycounter lvl 6
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Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
Welcome to the Andromeda Vault

I've just started my 3D specialisation at uni and I think I'm in love! I don't have a very strong background in art and fundamentals so I'm going to be working on that a lot as well as working on learning more 3D at uni and in my free time. I'd love any advice or critiques, I have a great deal to learn.


  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    So these are the first two things I've ever modelled, a still life and a little environment. The environment was based on a low-poly art style and the still life is just recreating an image.
  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    Hello again,
    I'm back now that semester has finished so I'm going to do a big art dump of my 3d projects!
    This is the final version of the first thing I ever modelled in Maya (or at all for that matter). We had to pick a theme for a simple scene and although I did consider “fantasy” I decided to go with “low poly art”. I really liked how the tree and waterfall came out, and I really think the papery texture helps even if it is just procedurally generated. I originally wanted the scene to be at dusk, and worked crazy hard on making the little lanterns on the tree perfect but in the end the daylight showed off the waterfall better.

  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    And here's the entire scene




    Final Poster
  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    This was my second project for this class, to recreate a still life in Maya. I spent a lot more time than I’d really like to admit getting the wood texture on the desk the way I wanted it. It’s procedurally generated from Maya’s wood material but I was feeling very particular about this mahogany desk and I wanted it perfect. I love the circle of light created by the lamp. I’d love to go in and fix the window but for now I’m fairly happy with it.

  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    Here's the detail breakdown of the radio
  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    Final project! Woo. The brief was to create an A3 Poster of anything we really wanted. Although the freedom of subject matter was intimidating I figured that the good old xwing was an excellent foray into modelling. This was also the first object I created neat UVs for and did the texturing properly. It’s a combination of the rustier parts of my car and hand painted details. We had to create a compilation showreel of our 3D work this semester, which I’ve also included below

  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
  • Andromeda
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    Andromeda polycounter lvl 6
    Hello all,
    I'm attempting to actually post and work regularly this year because I have a hell of a long way to go!

    I'm thinking a thing a day type of challenge although I may get more specific as I progress.

    Yesterday's was some pots inspired by the monthly newb enviro challenge for December

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