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Need Help: Demon Possession

polycounter lvl 10
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Heorogar polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone! Im working on a sculpt that I plan on turning into a game res model. Im having a hard time trying to push it more and I was hoping you guys and gals can help get me in the right direction. :)

A few issues I noticed I needed to fix when I exported the screen grab.

1: Deltoids need more work
2: clavicle ends in the wrong spot and needs to be re done.
3: Back where the demon and the human body needs to be totally re worked.

Thank you all for taking the time out to take a look my sculpt!



  • artofkee
    I got confused for a second. I thought the monster was sucking the man in? Or something like his head somehow got stuck inside the monster. The concept is pretty cool though. Maybe a bit smoother transition between the man and the monster. Sweet sculpt though!
  • Ren
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    Ren polycounter lvl 3
    Looking good. I was also a bit confused on the human portion, just like artofkee. The wrists need a bit more detail. Feels like you put in a crap ton of work at the chest and back, but then the detail fades as the eye follows down the arms and legs.
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