Hey guys,
I have looked at marvelous designer and wondering if anyone is using it for game character creation? Also I have heard it only exports as triangles at the moment but will be able to export as quads soon?
Would you recommend it, does it save you time or get your better results for your time vs modeling the clothes traditionally?
Marvelous ->Zbrush zremesher -> model program of choice for some clean up
Good to know, I guess I will stick with what I am doing. So many people looking for everyone to be faster and faster, was just hoping it would help speed me up.
Thanks guys for the helpful info.
This is a good thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=120271
You probably saw this already on the marvelous designer website, but in case you didn't -> Konami, EA and Ubisoft use it. Here on polycount I know of this thread: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=131713
It's completely different from sculpting, basically a different profession, so I think it will depend on your needs. I personally like it, but it's a preference. If it'd make a difference it's nice to have the simulation but it's not necessarily faster in the short term for every little thing. It's generally faster to get something with some decent quality though.
You can make a dense simulated mesh (decrease the particle distance) and it's fast enough to remesh the clothing in zbrush, zremesh or decimate them, you can even preserve the UVs if you'd like.