I just started using Marmoset and I am having transparency issues. The cutout option on the Transparency tab is working great for everything completely see through, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make something only partially see through to give off a clear plastic look.
I am using a 32 bit targa w/ alpha. I tried moving the threshold slider under the transparency tab since changing the intensity of the alpha in photoshop was apparently not doing anything. Anyone have any ideas or links to info/tutorials that have eluded me?

Dithered does dithered blending, which looks noisey in the viewport but renders out smoother (render 2x and size down in photoshop and it will look even better).
Additive is probably what you really want to use, but you may need to cut that section out and give it its own material.
separated the mesh and gave it a separate material using Add.
thanks a lot