Hi! I could use some help with UV map optimizing.
I'm currently working on modules and want to know how I could manage to make the UV map better and get as much out of the as possible. The texture right now is 2K but someone said I should be able to knock it down to a 256 or a 128 and get the same quality. Contains a diffuse, heightmap and a specular. Would appreciate some pointers!

You can also use 2:1 texture maps to get the most out of longer assets without having to split UVs. That whole empty area in the bottom right could be utilized in a 512x256 or maybe even a 512x128 (4:1 H:W ratio).
Or use geometry cuts to mirror, tile and stretch a smaller texture into covering the same surface area.
Also not all objects need their own unique texture you can gang up a few other related objects on one texture sheet if they will be in the same area.
good luck
I would try and use those other 35% to something else (either for detail on that wall piece, or for use by another prop that goes along with that wall prop) OR I would stitch all those shells together and fit the entire thing onto a 1:2 -ratio texture (which would mean you have to pinch the texture vertically - which would lead to a detail loss of about 25% along V, which can be acceptable.)
Like with all UV-layouting, this is a balancing act between texel density and optimized texture space. And out of those, I think TD can be played around with more (extreme example of this would be a game such as RAGE by id Software).