Hey guys,
I have an area on Google Earth that I have drawn over with polygons and I want to export that so I can open it in 3ds Max or Autocad to scale.
I am not really interested in imagery or Heightmap data, because its in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the imagery is poor and the terrain is flat for kilometres.
I have googled this for the better part of my afternoon and cant find a solid workflow to get this done, my best bet so far seems to be to import it into Sketch up and then export that into CAD/3DS, but im not sure how the scale would go.
Any help would be great, thanks guys!
it orientated and imported my polygons from google earth fine, but the scale is off.
The scaling issue is actually inherent to the way a globe is flattened to a map. This is controlled by the map projection. Maproom supports several projections which allow you to make suitable maps at different sizes. If you need to match scale usually the UTM projection is a good one.
You can download a free version of the script, or buy it directly here: https://www.klaasnienhuis.nl/product/maproom/
Here's a sample of a map using openstreetmap data and CyberCity 3D buildings