Aaaaand, I figured it out. Pretty much right after I posted. Doah.
I just duplicated the parent (my flame system) (deleted the duplicated children) and threw the former parent (flame) into the hierarchy. So, I then turned off Emission on the parent and set its duration for as long as I needed.
I guess I was looking for something more built in, but that works pretty well.
I currently have a particle effect, comprised of 3 particle systems.
My issue is that the 1st system is the parent of the other two systems. It's duration is quite short, which is an issue as it dictates the overall length of the effect. ie. I have some sparks at the end of my explosion that I would like to bounce and fade a bit before the effect ends.
Being new to Unity, I am surprised there isn't an option to have a master at the top of hierarchy that controls the upper level stuff of all the systems below it, instead of having one of the systems be the parent.
Advice is greatly appreciated!