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Hand Painted Textures

polycounter lvl 9
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Astronovice polycounter lvl 9

Me and my girlfriend recently decided to build a game. She would be the artist and I would be the developer. She's graduating from a fine arts university this year, but has had no experience with a tablet until this week.

She started working on a couple of stone wall textures:



She's also too shy to register and post her work, but I have her permission to request critiques. How would you recommend she improve her work?


PS: you can see her traditional works here: http://aanddraa.deviantart.com/


  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    could use some brighter values and well, an overall change in brightness. right now its extremely dark and you lose a lot of detail.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    I second the values to be brightened, but how much is dependent upon the look you guys are trying to go for imo.

    Clean up the forms, her brush strokes are very loose and the shapes are hard to read because of it.....
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    Thirding upping the brightness. Also, I assume this is a tileable texture. You'll want things to be very clear and readable, but not so unique that the tiling is noticeable. Make a clearer distinction between the stones, and the stone themselves need less 'noise'.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I just posted about this elsewhere, but if it's a wall (and it's not a tiny wall), you should probably add some sort of binding material (mortar). Additionally, some of those stones are REALLY broken, I can't imagine them winding up in such a state once being placed, and also can't imagine anyone trying to build a block out of tiny broken rocks for the sake of a wall. Dry stone walls do exist, but I don't think their construction would involve or (down the line) tolerate the sort of crumbly brokenness of some of these stones (and they're usually smaller structures anyway).

    As a result of the above, both of these are looking more like ground textures to me, rather than wall textures. That being said I don't think they're poorly painted, and while I agree on upping the brightness a bit, I don't think the looseness of the brushwork is detrimental to their read (we're looking at full rez flats, shrinkage does wonders). Might try working on 'em a bit more & throwing a light sharpen filter over it, though.
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