The idea behind the gun is that like a dark hole gun or a dark void gun, the solar gun shoots sphere energies that drag enemies and suck them in it. Instead of taking the enemies to an another dimension, it incinerates them. It was a pretty fun concept, anyways here is the gun. The Solar Gun is the first prop that I got to use Marmoset and Ddo.
I did a quick paintover with my critiques.
PBR tutorials here (if you want to go the realistic route)
Hand painted texture tutorials (if you choose the fantasy look)
Keep at it!
Watch this video.
Metalness map is a mask. It tells the shader where you want something to be metal and where you don't. It should be black and white almost always. The first thing it does is make the diffuse of that area darker( black if it is full metal). Then it takes what you have in the diffuse texture and uses it as a specular control.
This is because diffuse on metal is black there is no need to use that area in the diffuse. So you use the metal areas in your diffuse to control your specular for metal. This also means that any gray values will look weird, becuase it is using the texture as part diffuse and part specular so it doesn't work properly.
To put it a bit simpler. When using metalness maps. Make a black and white mask for the areas you want to be metal. In those areas of your diffuse textures paint your specular control for the metal. The gloss map ( also called roughness) should work pretty much the same as you are used to.
Thank you JoltZero and Stevston89 for all the information. That was extremely helpful. I've been reading about PBR to get it right and I will definitely rework on my materials and post the progress.
I am working on another project at the moment,but afterwards I will go back to fix this guy.